In the 2024 budget, approximately PLN 500 million has been reserved for the new program. However, this amount cannot be compared to PLN 941 million allocated for 2% secured credit. – reports the press service of the Ministry of Development in response to's question.

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Reminder: safe credit 2%. This is a flagship program PIS, which came into effect on July 2, 2023. The law provides the maximum limit of state budget expenditures for the co-financing of this mortgage: 8 million PLN in 2023 and 941 million PLN in 2024, which gives a total of 948 million PLN. This amount will be used to fund all approved loan applications submitted in 2023.

By December 21, 2023, banks received PLN 55,000. 797 secured loans with 2% interest rate, and the number of applications increased to 94,000. 121. The interest on the loan turned out to be higher than expected by the previous government – the target was about 50,000 loans, and by December 21, 2023, about 55.8 ten credit agreements.

Successor to Secure Credit

Work on the project of the act implementing the new housing program continues. Its content will be announced soon.

The Ministry of Energy and Technology will present information about the details of the new program when all its assumptions are prepared. The works in this direction are nearing the end – we read in the response of the press service of the Ministry of Development.

– The optimal scenario involves the creation of a compromise program consisting of the solutions proposed in the campaign by the political groups that currently form the governing camp. The whole point of the image is to quickly write the program below elections Clearing mines – the interlocutor of government circles told us on the condition of anonymity.

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