05/01/2024, 06:09

Tomasz Sakiewicz wanted to boycott one of his advertisers, but the advertisers boycotted his TV (Screenshot: YouTube/Telewizja Republika)

After Marek Krol's scandalous words about immigrants on Republika TV on Wednesday, brands are moving away from advertising blocks on this channel. They don't want to be associated with hate speech.

Marek Krol, in a discussion on immigration on Republika TV, said that foreigners should be “chipped, like they are on dogs” and “it's even cheaper to tattoo numbers on your left arm, and then you can find them. Easy.” The station has already received a wave of criticism following Jan Pietrzak's comments about immigrants (He suggested placing them in barracks in concentration camps).

The companies massively announce a boycott of the “Republic” TV company.

After these announcements, Internet users looked at who was advertising on “Republika” TV and started writing to the companies asking if they really wanted to support hate speech with their money. Ikea was the first to react.

Also read: Brands receive their budget from “Republica” TV company. Michal Rachon apologizes after Marek Krol's disgraceful statement

“Thank you for your signal. We have checked with the media house Wavemaker, which is responsible for buying advertising time in the media on our behalf. It turned out that TV Republika was recently in the package of thematic stations offered by Polsat. The package was purchased as a whole, so we were not aware of the change in offer. From tomorrow, there will be no more advertisements on “Repubblica” TV channel,” said Ikea.

In response to this, the president of “Repubblica” TV station Tomas Sakievich and program director Michal Rachon started calling for a boycott of Ikea. This had the opposite effect than intended as their station began to lose subscribers.

Also read: The National Broadcasting Council received a complaint about Sobala's words about Prime Minister Tusk in Republic TV.

“We understand that television stations do not monitor guest statements live, but even in such a formula, this type of content should immediately be followed by a reaction from journalists and channel management. In the absence of such actions, we. will not continue marketing cooperation, as the Żabka brand does not want to be identified with content that fundamentally contradicts its values,” Żabka's press service reported.

Until yesterday evening, they also announced that they are terminating their advertising cooperation with the Republic TV: mBak, Carrefour Polska, Media Expert, Adamed Pharma, Pyszne.pl, Skoda, OtoDom, Bank Millennium, Alior Bank, Santander, Master Card.

Also read: Danuta Holetska on TV Republika 3-4 times a week. “He was doing pro-Pi propaganda”

(GK, PAR, 05/01/2024)

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