Companies that are directly or indirectly controlled by the state treasury must prepare for changes. They won't be quick, but they seem inevitable. There is more and more evidence of this.

The first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders has already appeared on the calendar of several important companies. This is where shareholders can make changes at the top of companies.

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See also: Is Tusk's government based on non-party companies? “Complete depoliticization of the economy is impossible”

On January 30, NZWA will organize Enea, the electricity supplier, and on January 31, PGE, the heat and power producer. On February 2, regarding changes in the composition of the Bank's Supervisory Board General shareholders of PKO BP Bank will decide. On February 5, he will be invited by Orlen under the leadership of Daniel Obateki.

When will there be changes in companies? The ministry is likely to publish the cards in the near future

The changes may also affect companies that are indirectly controlled by other state-owned companies – for example Trakcja SA, in which the majority of shares are owned by PKP PLK, the company responsible for managing the state-owned network of railway lines in Poland.

Where else can we expect major and minor redistributions? Ministry of State Property, Currently under the rule of Boris BudkaIn response to the question, assured that it will reveal the cards soon, although it did not want to share the details yet.

Similar information (on changes in Treasury-controlled companies – editor's note) is being prepared and sent as soon as possible. – we read in the concise answer sent to our editorial office.

Changes have already begun

It is a fact that the changes have already affected several institutions. Prime Minister Donald Tusk mentioned the powers of such entities as: the Institute of War Losses, the Institute of the Republic, the Institute of Central Europe, the Institute of Generation and the Institute of the West.. He also abolished, among others, Director General of the Prison Service.

January 3 Wojciech Kaluza ceased to be the vice president of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa.. He took office in 2022. In 2018, he “became famous” for making a deal with Law and Justice, despite gaining support from the Civil Coalition list, which then allowed PiS to take power in the region.

– Mr. Wojciech Kaluzha was recently dismissed from the position of vice-president of the company's management board. This is Mr. Kaluza. And it seems to me that this symbolically ends the bitter phase of the partisanization of everything. And the low ethical level of this activity, which is symbolized by, among others, Mr. Kaluzha. Mainly the people of the Silesian Voivodeship certainly remember what Mr. Kaluza symbolized a few years ago, Prime Minister Donald Tusk said at a press conference.

Gathering is the way of the iron broom

Convening of Extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders (NZWA) and General Meetings of Shareholders (GM) in Treasury controlled companies such as Orlen, Enea or PGE, This is a key mechanism in the process of changing the management boards and presidents of these enterprises.

The procedure starts with the initiative of the State Treasury, which, as the main shareholder, has the right to request the convening of an extraordinary general meeting or a meeting of shareholders in order to make strategic decisions regarding the company – including changes in the composition. Governing Council.

during assembly Shareholders representing the state treasury can submit motions for the removal of current members of the governing board, including the president. and appointment of a new one. These decisions are made by vote, and the votes of the Treasury often have a decisive influence because of the controlling interest in the shares.

The main element here is also the role of the Supervisory Board, which has the authority to appoint and dismiss the members of the Management Board based on the resolutions of the extraordinary meeting of shareholders or the general meeting of shareholders.

It will be more difficult in banks. Poland's financial supervisory authority can block the government

In the case of banks controlled by the State Treasury, the process of changing the management and supervisory boards is governed by specific regulations. The decision requires the approval of the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority (KNF). Oh yeah works Led by Jacek JastrzebskiHe was appointed for the second term by the previous Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

what is important The Commission may refuse to appoint candidates if it determines that they do not meet the requirements or their activities may negatively affect the financial stability of the bank. And there are many indications that Prime Minister Donald Tusk won't be able to do much if the new government's nominations are blocked. The law is impenetrable.

The head of the Polish Financial Supervisory Authority can be dismissed only in certain cases, which are determined by the Financial Market Supervision Act. These cases include: final conviction for an intentional crime or fiscal crime, resignation from office, loss of Polish citizenship, loss of ability to perform entrusted duties as a result of prolonged illness of more than three months.

Iron or political broom?

The main question remains: who will replace the current managers. The government coalition has announced depoliticization, but how deep it will be is unknown.

Dr. Blazej Podgorski, an economist from Kozminski University, told Wirtualna Polska's “Newsroom” program that the state should have control over some entities.

It is standard in the world that strategic sectors, energy and media are in the hands of the state And the state treasury has shares, and thanks to these companies they function effectively and ensure the security of the state. We saw during the pandemic that they were trying to help the state achieve its goals, the economist said.

According to him, the solution could be to restore competition for key positions and involve more experts and specialists instead of appointing management based on political principles. – Companies should not be used to achieve political goals, they are only intended to support strategic goals and ensure security – emphasized Dr. Podgorski.

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