Marcin Kącki's Friday text published in “Gazeta Wyborcza” was supposed to be his “confession” for the harm done to women in the past. He justified difficult situations with memories of his deceased brother and therapy And daughters were born to him, they broke the rule of their parents and ran into alcohol.

They appeared under the reporter's text Comments Congratulate Man for 'Courage' Regarding guilty pleas. Among others, Malgorzata Halber, Karolina Rogaska and the Instytut Reportażu Foundation took a different position on this issue.

Marcin Kącki: I loved flirting, conquest and erotic tension

I liked the company of women because I felt safe and cared for by themBecause all my heroes are male demons, and I've never met bad women, and I've almost always been loved badly, including by myself,” Katzki wrote in his text.

I loved the flirting, conquest and erotic tension that creates multi-layered puzzles in the middle of the night.And I know I've hurt a lot of women with that shield and those nights,” he said.I was not a bully, I did not take advantage of my subordinatesBecause I basically didn't, but I knew the morphology of abuse because, hell, I wrote three books about it,” he said.

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He also mentioned phone calls and conversations he had with many women. One of them took place with Karolina Rogaska.

“I called this lady, whom I knew as a young journalist, from the literary festival, from the years when I was hanging out like crazy. He told me what I did when he was surprised (…) He called my behavior insulting And he said I have to remember that no means no,” Kaki reports this conversation.

Karolina Rogaska spoke: I am tired enough, I am tired of the cult of torture

However, the affected party himself has a different opinion on this matter, which he expressed in an extensive note on his Facebook profile. “I am one of the victims, everything is not in order,” emphasized the “Nuseka” journalist.

I'm tired of this manipulation, of justifying my bad behavior with experience: I was doing wrong, but life treated me badly. I too have had many difficult experiences – you see, Marcin, your brother died and my sister – but I would never think that you would use that fact as an excuse to treat someone badly. When I do something wrong, I just apologize and don't make excuses. Not to mention how many other things I did well. This is how apologies work,” she wrote, referring to Kaki's article.

“Katsky describes how he called me and Even in this small fragment it is not true. When I wrote it, I expressed surprise at his behavior because he had written so many books about injustice. I didn't express it. I have been traveling around the world for so many years that I am not surprised by such things. He was the one who talked about his books and that, as the author of such books, he should understand and wanted him to explain to him what he had done wrong. “No sorry,” he reported the conversation.

Malgorzata Halber: There is no help for us. “Written even scarier than you thought”

Another woman who was in contact with Marcin Katski commented on this issue.

“And you will find out that the editor has written a text about himself, about how he apologized to these women, how it will be written, you can guess. It's even scarier than you thought, because it's mostly about depression and addiction“Taking away a life,” wrote Malgorzata Halber, a Polish writer and illustrator on her social media.

“It's the worst, because you read congratulations. From his colleagues in the editorial office, who – as it happens – are also your colleagues. And your heart starts beating as hard as when you read an email. And you think. To yourself: There is no salvation for us. Seriously, no one can ever stand up to us. We are not a man who has read Rebecca Solnit, Eva Vanat has taught him so much and he wants to protect his daughter. You feel bad, you want to cry,” he said.

Halber added Throughout the text, women are the least important and, in fact, the most overlooked subject. “The fact that the women he abused and treated as… Idiots with breasts that should be listened toIt's okay, ma'am. “Let's see how much courage and humility there is,” he said in the recording, referring to praise for Ketsky's “heroic” attitude.

The Internet is awash with Katzki's text. “Typical Narcissist's Excuses”

After the publication of the text, there was an uproar on the Internet. The steps he took included: Foundation for the Institute of Reporting. “Karolina Rogaska is a graduate of the Polish school of reporting and our friend, we learned a few weeks ago that she was harmed by Marcin Katzki. We removed him from working with PSR studentsWe informed him about the reasons for this decision,” the statement said.

Most of the journalistic community, as well as some Internet users, criticized the reporter's “vindication.”

It's unbelievable that in 2024 something like Katzki's text today is still happening. Which would be comical if it weren't scary,” writes journalist Jagoda Grondecka about X.

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“Depression and Alcoholism as Justifications for Harassment, Sexist and Misogynistic Behavior.” The whole text is a typical narcissist's attempt at justification. Today, most of my friends are depressed, including me. I have never taken to harassing others. Kącki – a great genius who confesses even before his victims decide to punch him in the face. It's embarrassing,” added Joanna Kedzierska.

“Katsky's text is perfectly written. Beautiful man He did not record how he undressed and masturbated in front of a young journalist, despite her horror and objections.– Editor Patrik Slowik commented ironically, referring to Rogaska's recording, which reported that Katzki undressed in front of him.

More about Marcin Kącki's text and its implications You can read it on the website

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