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The Social Security Administration, at the request of the newspaper, calculated what pension payments would look like if the government's predictions were realised. The percentage indexation that is currently being planned means that the increase will be more noticeable for people on higher benefits.

The minimum pension, which currently amounts to PLN 1,588.44 in total, will increase after indexation to PLN 1,783.82 in total, which means an increase of PLN 195.38 gros. “Fact” recalls a year ago The lowest benefit increased by 250 PLN total.

The increase in benefits, as every year, will take place on March 1. A month later, in April, seniors will receive “number thirteen.” An additional benefit of PLN 1,783 will be given to all eligible senior citizens. Housing benefits will be different, however, as “thirteen-year-olds” will be charged health insurance premiums and income tax advances, according to Fact. You do not need to submit any application to receive additional funds.

ZUS will not pay less than PLN 50

Adults can also count on the “fourteenth year” guaranteed by law. “Fourteen” will be equal to the minimum pension. Only people whose pension or annuity does not exceed PLN 2.9 thousand will receive it in full. PLN total. Above this amount, the benefit will be reduced on a zloty basis. The minimum withdrawal amount will be 50 PLN total.

You will have to pay PIT and health insurance contributions on the benefit, so your taxes will depend on the pension you receive. Transfers will begin in the fallThe exact date of payment will be decided by the government – we read in the daily newspaper.

The indexation rate will be announced in February. Basic data from the Central Statistics Office

ZUS calculations presented by “Fakti” show that a person who receives 1.5 thousand PLN. Pension PLN, after indexation he will receive 1532 PLN. His “thirteenth” will be 1507 PLN, and the “fourteenth” will pay the same amount. A pensioner receives PLN 2,000 PLN, after the increase on March 1, he will receive PLN 2,248. It can also rely on 1439 PLN for “thirteenth” and “fourteenth”.

The final indexation rate will be announced in FebruaryWhen the Central Statistical Office will publish data on inflation and real wage growth.

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