The mayor is afraid to enter the cabinet. He summoned an exorcist

The new mayor of Cartagena in northern Colombia asked the church to perform an exorcism in his office. Dumek Turbay explained that it was related to his predecessor, who previously held this position. “There was a demon,” he said.

Dumek Turbay Paz was sworn in as the mayor of Colombia's third largest city, Cartagena, on December 28.

The newly elected mayor immediately surprised the opinion of the public, because in the first minutes of taking office, he asked the local hierarchs of the Catholic Church through the media for an exorcism in his new office.

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– This is not a joke. I am serious. I want an exorcism to take place there, the politician said, quoted by “El Tiempo”.

– As a Catholic I believe in the operation of supernatural forces, including evil forces. (…) I have no other way to move him to the office where the demon was – he added.

“Creature of the Devil”

The mayor explained about it He is talking about his predecessor, who previously held the post of mayor of the city – William Dow, whom he called “an evil and hateful diabolical creature.”

The politician also said that before the exorcism, he will take up his position in another place.

“El Universal” for its part writes that although the political enmity between Dau and Turbay has been going on for years, in recent weeks. The tension between them intensified.

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The outgoing mayor even predicted in the media that in the near future he will become a “victim of attacks, lies and false accusations” by the new city government.

– All this in order to discredit me and my achievements – he explained.

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