“On the Brussels plane. I am speaking with Commissioners Elisa Ferreira and Nicholas Schmitt. KPO. Unfortunately, we have encountered huge investment delays that must now be recouped. After the first payment application, we want to submit four more applications this year, up to €23 billion. – wrote the minister on the X platform.

The rest of the article is below the video

It is also important that the €5 billion is an advance payment negotiated by officials and politicians. PIS. These funds will be used for energy transformation. As we wrote in money.pl, “When approving the advance, Brussels does not check the fulfillment of the milestones and the fulfillment of the obligations of the Polish government.”

The KPO is a program from which Poland is to receive €59.82 billion (PLN 261.4 billion), including €25.3 billion (PLN 110.4 billion) in subsidies and €34.5 billion (PLN 151 billion) in soft loans with face. Most of these funds will be implemented in the form of financial instruments, which will allow the implementation of projects after 2026, even for the next 30 years.

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