District Court Warsaw-Śródmieście decided not to accept the statements of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic for refusing to initiate enforcement proceedings. At the same time, the judge decided to prepare statements to send both law and justice politicians to prison, where they face two years of imprisonment. Meanwhile, the President's office emphasizes that the amnesty from 2015 is still valid today, so both politicians cannot go to prison, according to the law.

The constitutional expert of the University of Warsaw, Prof. Richard Piotrowski, the problem will be solved with another pardon Kaminsky and Vesik. – It would be better for the president to take advantage of this opportunity. It doesn't bring him any disdain, he's just being consistent. The situation in which those MPs whose status changed after the final judgment was passed are convicted – and if such a situation did not happen, it would be enough for the president to maintain his previous position – he summarized.

There will be no next pardon

– The President made the decision in 2015. This decision is valid, this decision has been confirmed three times by the verdict of the Constitutional Tribunal, and a week ago the Extraordinary Control Chamber of the Supreme Court, which is considering the issue of the expiration of the parliamentary mandate, referred to the act. About the pardon – KPRP Minister Wojciech Kolarski mentioned in Polsat News.

Asked whether President Andrzej Duda would sign another amnesty act if MPs Kaminski and Vesic were arrested and taken to prison, Kolarski assured that he would not.

Commenting on the court's decision, the minister said: – This is another bad signal of what is happening in Poland now. This means that the district court is questioning the prerogatives of the president. This means that the district court made a decision contrary to the decision of the Constitutional Court. An unprecedented situation

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