“Do you know what was Poland's most important achievement in recent years? According to @UNICEF, Poland ranked first in the world in terms of reducing child poverty. Another step from today: 500+ became 800+. Happy New Year. !” – Morawiecki wrote on the X website.


800 PLN for each child

The former prime minister also talked about increasing the amount of child benefits with the “Rodzina 500 plus” program. From January 1, 2024, eligible persons will receive 800 PLN per month for each child. Previously it was PLN 500.

After October's parliamentary elections, there have been concerns about whether the new government coalition wants to continue supporting families. Statements by a number of politicians, including: Izabela Leszczyna from PO and Szymon Hołownia from Poland 2050 suggest that the “Family 500 Plus” program will end. In the end, Prime Minister Donald Tusk did not decide to eliminate the benefit or reduce its amount.

The president of this party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, announced the valorization of the flagship social program of law and justice. May programming convention.

According to Mateusz Morawiecki, the cost of increasing the amount of benefits paid to families will be around PLN 24 billion. The politician emphasizes that this is significantly higher than inflation after the introduction of the Family 500 plus program.

In July, the Sejm voted to increase the benefits to PLN 800 for each child. It was supported by 228 PiS, 121 KO and 42 left-wing MPs. Confederation MPs, Poland 2050, the agreement and one KO MP – Klaudia Jaczyra – were against it.

At the same time, as one of the polls of the Public Opinion Research Center showed, the issue of valorization of family benefits divided Poles. 50 percent of respondents asked about the government's pro-family policy and the idea of ​​increasing benefits supported the proposal, while 46% had a different opinion. subjects. The remaining 4 percent of respondents do not have an opinion on this topic.

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Morawiecki to the Poles: Vote for this?
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