“Tell him to ask his wife what it means to have balls. She knows,” wrote President Andrzej Duda on January 4 on the X website (formerly Twitter) and then He quickly deleted the note. However, this did not go unnoticed by Internet users, who are still speculating on who could have been the addressee of these words.

Rumors spread that it might be related to the Speaker of the Seimas, Shimon Holownia, and the issue of the expiration of the parliamentary mandates of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic.

Holonia: This is about a well-known PiS politician

– Well, I only noticed it because it was reported to me, but I have pretty strong assurances, also from the circles most likely affected, that it was on someone else. And this person is even indicated by name and surname – said Holovnia on the air of TVN24. He added that it was a “quite prominent” PiS politician.

– However, of course, I have no confirmation and, of course, I am in a hurry to give honest, friendly advice to the president. Many people in Polish politics caused a lot of noise by not changing their account in time. And the times are such that it's probably better to put that social media on the shelf a little more often now, because nothing good will come of engaging in it, Seims Marshall said.

The entry on the President's profile has been deleted. – Well, he made a mistake, so what?

His chief of staff, Marcin Mastalerek, was previously asked about the behavior of the head of state on Polsat News. – It was a personal correspondence that the president had to send to someone. It was quickly deleted, I don't want to comment on it. The president took it out and that was it, he said.

When asked who this recording was about, Mastalerek turned to Radoslav Fogiel from PiS, who was in the studio, and said: – I think MP Fogiel knows that this person already knows.

– I think the one mentioned in the note already knows. I have no idea who he is, the PiS politician said with a smile.

Andrzej Duda's profile on the X platform has more than 1.8 million followers. Duda has been the president since 2015. In 2020, he won a runoff against PO candidate Rafal Trzaszkowski and began his second and final term in the presidential palace.

(translate tags) President

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