On the official account of the National Council of Justice on the X website The diet list appeared Paid to members of the National Council of the Judiciary in the period from December 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. It shows, among other things, that Kamila Gasiuk-Pihovic, an MP from the Civic Coalition, received more than PLN 14,000. PLN for being a member of the entire National Court Register. Let us remind you that the politician is one of the sharpest critics of the council, who repeatedly emphasizes that its current composition is illegal.

“Based on the interest of public opinion @Bartek_Star and the speeches of MP @Gasiuk_Pihowicz in the Sejm, we publish the allowances paid for December 2023. Allowances are paid for participation in the meeting and for work on other days based on the declaration. Act of 2011”. – we read in the record of the National Court Register.

It is interesting that the amount received by the KO deputy is almost PLN 3,000 more than the allowance of the chairman of the National Council of the Judiciary, Judge Dagmara Pavelczyk-Woitska.

The MP answers

Deputy Gasiuk-Pihovic commented on the record of the National Council of the Judiciary. In his opinion, revealing the amount of the allowance of members of the Sakrebulo is an “organized campaign” to discredit his personality.

“I attended neoKRS meetings less often than a friend of Mr. Ziobro. And the fact that he pays the same allowance for a 20-minute meeting as for hours of reading personal files is pathological. We will change it,” he wrote on X . website.


Neo-KRS is a journalistic term coined by opposition politicians and a section of the media that has become a symbol of opposition to PiS changes in the judicial system, as well as a sign that reflects attitudes toward PiS reforms in the justice system.

In the understanding of the opponents of these changes, the Neo-CRS, like the Neo-judges, is considered to be an institution founded in violation of the Constitution and, therefore, illegally.

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