“On January 12, 2024, the Prosecutor General, Professor Adam Bodnar, during a meeting with the National Prosecutor, Mr. Dariusz Barski, handed him a document stating that he was reinstated to active duty on February 16, 2022, by the previous Prosecutor General. Mr. Zbigniew Ziobro, was accepted in violation of the current regulations and did not have legal effect, as a provision of the act was applied, which was no longer in force,” the Ministry of Justice said in a statement on Friday. The Ministry asserts that “from the date of transfer of the above-mentioned position of the Prosecutor General, i.e. from January 12, 2024, Mr. Dariusz Barski. remains at restwhich causes him to be unable to function as a national prosecutor.

Acting National Prosecutor became Jacek Bilevich.

Bodnar's new decision. “This is a violation of the law”

– This is a violation of the law. It is amazing that Bodnar, as a law professor, would take such actions. This is clearly a decision made under pressure from Tusk, said a close friend of President Andrzej Duda in an interview with Onet.pl. – If Barsky has been wrongly holding his position in recent years, this opens the way for all his decisions to be questioned. It would be a horror story, said the interlocutor of the portal.

According to Onet, there will be an official response to Bodnar's decision in the President's Office.

Jak: Bodnar will be held criminally responsible

This step of the Minister of Justice was followed by a wave of indignation on the social network. PiS politicians claim that Adam Bodnar is breaking the law.

“This is another brutal attack on the state system. Political will is higher than statutes. Will is not the source of law,” said Patrick Jacqui, MEP from sovereign Poland. “Bodnar will be held criminally responsible for what he did, and no EU will help him,” he added. “This appeal is legally ineffective. The only procedure provided by the law for assessing the status of the national prosecutor is Article 14 of the Law on the Prosecutor's Office,” said former Deputy Minister of Justice Sebastian Kaleta.

Also read:
After Bodnar's decision, there is a statement from the National Prosecutor's Office
Also read:
Bodnar is “cancelled” by the national prosecutor. Jack: He will be held criminally responsible for this

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