“Thanks to your great commitment, we were able to create an institution that responsibly and professionally fulfilled the tasks assigned to it in the field of flood and drought protection, sustainable water management, water supply. Protection of the population from an unjustified increase in service prices Water supply and sewerage,” the onet.pl portal quotes Krzysztof Wości's message to the employees of Wody Polskie.

Change in Polish waters

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The law and justice proposal raised doubts from the beginning among experts and opposition politicians. It was emphasized that the new giant was going to create additional jobs for party nominees. Both politicians and specialists agreed that it was impossible to manage regional water reservoirs from the “heights” of Warsaw.

In response to this report, Polish Waters published his own position, in which, among other things, he emphasized: Above 40 years of financing the entire water management sector.

The new government has long assumed that there will be changes in Polish waters.

– I have always been a great opponent of this type of centralization presented by the government PIS. Polish waters are a behemoth that cannot fulfill the tasks set before it – said MP and currently Minister of Infrastructure Dariusz Klimczak in an interview with Fuli.pl at the beginning of December.

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