The police received the documents They were transferred to the penitentiary institution PiS politicians – Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vesik. However, they are in the presidential palace, where – as they told the media – they are holding talks with President Andrzej Duda. Due to the confusion surrounding the arrest of former CBA leaders, Seimas Speaker Shimon Holovnye decided to postpone the session of the House of Parliament scheduled for this week.

The presidential palace was surrounded by police officers. They guard all entrances to the building and also check vehicles leaving the palace grounds.

Will the police enter the presidential palace?

– The presidential palace is not extraterritorial, the police can enter there to avoid punishment. Out of respect for the head of state, this requires prior agreement with the head of the president's office, lawyer Marek Chmaj was quoted as saying by PAP.

– No provision grants territorial immunity to the Presidential Palace or the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland as an institution. In dealing with people who evaded detention, the police could enter the presidential palace and arrest them, he explained.

Will PiS politicians fly to Jurata?

As Radio Zet unofficially reported, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration is analyzing whether representatives of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland obstructed the proceedings in the case of the arrest of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic.

Journalists obtained information from the capital's police. They show officers on alert for Vesik and Kaminski at the presidential palace on Tuesday. Informants suggest that the police force is analyzing the “extreme option” of using the presidential helicopter. Transportation of PiS politicians Head of state to the center in Yurata.

Also read:
The court responds to the request of Kaminsky's lawyer. is a statement
Also read:
Lisicki: They want to get Vesik and Kaminski. Ziemkiewicz: Tusk's program is revenge

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