Pope Francis is sick, he decided to share this information himself. This happened during his last audition with a band from France. The Pope weakly apologized to everyone present, explaining that he could not read his speech aloud. Let us remind you that just a month ago, the Pope was unable to speak due to bronchitis.

Pope Francis cannot speak

It turns out Pope is still suffering from bronchitisRather, it was probably an incurable disease since December, when he had a problem speaking. The 87-year-old Pope had it Then serious Inflammation of the respiratory tract. due to health problems at that time Canceled trip to Dubai climate conference.

– I want to read the whole speech, but there is a problem, I have a small problem bronchitis – explained the Holy Father during the audience of the group from France on Friday.

I can not speak very well. If you don't mind, I will give you a copy of the speech. I'm sorry, he added.

It should be noted that the Pope still managed to hold morning meetings. However, he read the texts of his speeches with a weakened voice. We remind you that during his last illness, when He could not speak for several days, the texts of his speeches were read by a Vatican priest. The Pope was undergoing antibiotic treatment at the time. The problems of the Holy Father cannot be underestimated, because his health has not been in the best condition for a long time. In July 2021, he had part of his colon removed due to intestinal problems, but symptoms returned early last year.

Pope Francis on World War III

Let's remember that St On Monday, Pope Francis addressed the diplomats accredited to the Holy See. During the meeting, he called for an end to conflicts in the world In his opinion It could turn into a real global conflict. “The world is going through a period of increasing conflict that is slowly transforming what I have repeatedly called “Third War in Parts” In a real global conflict” – said the Pope.

The representative of the Roman Catholic Church in particular condemned the attacks targeting ordinary people. He noted that modern wars rarely distinguish between military and civilian objectives. Francis' words during a meeting with diplomats appear to be an attempt to defuse criticism he has received in recent speeches. In August last year, the head of the Roman Catholic Church addressed young Russians. In his statement, Francis referred to the imperialist tendencies that the Kremlin supports and subsequently embraces. – You are the heirs of Great Russia – these words from his mouth Pope Francis They said during the sermon dedicated to Youth Day in St. Petersburg.

– Never forget your heritage. You are children of Great Russia. The Great Russia of the Saints, the Tsar, the Great Russia of Peter I, Catherine II, this great empire, so greatj culture and great humanity – said the Pope.

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