In Vitro Funding Act Andrzej Duda signed him on December 15. In 2024, the Seimas should submit a presidential bill that provides state funding for various infertility treatment methods. The President's Health Protection Council will start working on the project from Tuesday.

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See also: They argued about in vitro fertilization. “I wanted to make fun of Horala”

Not only in vitro. The president wants to fund other methods

Piotr Zauderna, who heads it, noted that due to the great demographic challenges facing Poland and, at the same time, taking into account the different views of Poles, the president also wants other, potentially effective, but currently unreimbursed medical diagnostic and infertility treatment procedures to be financed from state funds.

“The idea is to create an alternative for people who, for various reasons, in vitro They don't want to take advantage of it or they want to leave it until the end of trying to have an in vitro baby. There is a belief in the medical community that the in vitro method is very often used at the very beginning of a trip to Poland. For example, in Germany, it is the case that before starting a publicly funded in vitro procedure, you have to diagnose whether there is another problem to be solved, said the head of the Health Protection Council.

He stipulated that The proposed solutions will not contradict in vitro, but complement this method.

As he said, at the meeting on Tuesday, the council will discuss the preliminary identification of infertility treatment methods that can be financed from the Polish state funds. According to him, the next step will be to write a bill on this issue.

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