Minister Wojciech Kolarski reminded “Rimanovsky Breakfast” President Andrzej Duda's position regarding the decision of the Prosecutor General.

– If the law rules in Poland, the law derives from the laws. There is a law on the prosecutor's office, in this act it is clearly written what is the procedure for dismissal of the national prosecutor, what is the procedure for his appointment, this procedure was violated, he said.

look: “Rimanovsky Breakfast on Polsat News and Interia”

He added that “tomorrow morning, a meeting will be held in the presidential palace, where the president invited the national prosecutor Dariush Barski and his colleagues to talk about the incident, the attempt to attack the independent prosecutor's office.”

The minister of the presidency assessed that “we are dealing with a serious crisis in the country”, and under the government of Prime Minister Donald Tusk “the law of revenge is in effect”.

Andrzej Duda: gross violation of the law

The president responded to Attorney General Adam Bodnar's actions on social media on Friday.

“Min. A. Bodnar is trying to remove D. Barski from the post of national prosecutor, for which he does not have independent competence,” Andrzej Duda wrote on X (formerly Twitter).

look: Andrzej Duda on the actions of the Prosecutor General: another gross violation of the law

“Regarding this issue, he gave his “decision” to the prosecutor of lawyers. Changing the position of the National Prosecutor, according to the law, is the competence of the Prime Minister and the Prosecutor General in cooperation with the President. A. Bodnar's action without the participation of the Prime Minister and the President is another gross violation of the law (Act and Article 7 of the Constitution),” he noted.

Adam Bodnar's decision regarding the national prosecutor

The president's reaction was in response to the actions of Bodnar on Friday, who handed national prosecutor Dariusz Barski a document stating that his reinstatement on February 16, 2022 by the previous prosecutor general, Zbigniew Ziobro, was carried out “in violation of current regulations and did not have legal effect. .”

In addition, it was indicated that “as of January 12, 2024, Mr. Dariusz Barski is retired, which does not prevent him from performing the function of the national prosecutor.” He was appointed instead Jacek Bilevich.

look: Donald Tusk: The occupation of state offices by PiS will end

He did not agree with the decision General Prosecutor's Office, who established that Dariush Barski is still the national prosecutor. According to him, the letter Attorney General Adam Bodnar “Does not produce any legal effect.”

For their part, Bodnar's deputies said on Saturday that they had decided to submit a report “on the commission of crimes by Adam Bodnar, Jacek Bilevich and other people working with them.”

On Saturday, Deputy Attorney General Robert Hernand issued an order restricting foreigners from entering the National Prosecutor's Office. This decision aims to fulfill the mandate of Jacek Bilevich, appointed by the Prime Minister. First Deputy Prosecutor General of the National Prosecutor.

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