President profile crash on X website.

– This was a personal correspondence that the president had to send to someone. quickly deleted. These were words in a private conversation, I don't want to comment on it. The president removed it – said Marcin Mastalerek, the head of the office of the president of the Republic of Poland, in the “Rimanowski breakfast” program of Polsat News and Interia.

“Tell him to ask his wife What do the balls mean? He knows– he wrote on Thursday evening President Andrzej Duda X on the portal. However, the note was quickly deleted, and the addressee and intent of the note remain unknown.

The President's record has been deleted. “have balls”

He spoke about the issue of the mysterious note in “Rimanovsky's Breakfast” Head of the President's Administration Marcin Mastalerekwhere it says there was an entry “Private Correspondence” Head of state. – These were words in a private conversation, I don't want to comment on it. The president removed it, Andrzej Duda's aide added.

Bogdan Rimanovski asked his guest in the Polsat News program “Who was that note about?”

look: There will be no more pardons for PiS politicians. “President Andrzej Duda will not bow”

– I think MP Fogiel knows that this person already knows – Mastalerek joked.

Video: Marcin Mastalerek in “Rimanowski's Breakfast”

– I think mentioned in the post He already knows. I have no idea who it is – replied the PiS deputy with a smile.

Personal correspondence of the President. “Is he supposed to be tough?”

Deputy KO Barbara Dolniak He noted that there was a conversation The most important person in the country. – Sorry… this joke formula… What are we reducing the whole situation to? – he asked.

look: Marcin Mastalerek hits Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz. “typical aggressor”

– Do you think the president does not have the right to send a personal message? Well, the president made a mistake, so what? Is he supposed to be rigid and can't message anyone privately? Mastalerek answered.

Former deputy of the Seimas, Barbara Dolniak, said that the president should be more careful When sending a private messageso that it does not reach the public space.

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