“The priest from Opole organized the Tusk government and the Nazis in one line. “Populism and demagoguery” – Opolska360 media supporting the new government thunders:

When the Germans talked about liquidation during the war, it meant shooting. Will the actions of vigilantes led by a special service lieutenant colonel against the right to Polish culture, music and information have a similar effect? Barbarians of Tusk.

I know the priest's prof. Lisa, because almost 20 years ago she taught me social communication at the University of Opole. He is, in fact, a very intelligent person who looks at the world carefully. A locally famous figure.

This situation looks like an attempt to intimidate Father Professor Marek Lees – as if he is not allowed to say what he wants, what he feels at the moment.

The arbiter of morality and good taste was the Dominican father Pawel Guzynski, who was asked by “Opolska360”:

– The author goes beyond the limits of the participation of clergymen in discussions on current events – he emphasizes. – If we were dealing with a situation where the priest wrote, “I believe that these actions are against the law” and justified his statement, there would be no problem. At the same time, this is an obvious attempt at a political discussion, and the content itself is completely irrelevant.

– This record is primitive, crude, vulgar and morally reprehensible. This is populism and demagoguery. And since we are dealing with a professor, this reveals his intellectual level, says Father Pawel Gujinski.

The Dominican says this in such a way that he acts like Boria himself, and this is not the first time. He pretends not to see what happens when thugs with guns take over and destroy the media in a shameful way.

Mr. Pawel Gluzhinsky is morally reprehensible, he manipulates and judges Fr. Prof. Lisa bluntly, without referring to the content of the message.

Another authority speaking of Fr. Prof. Lisa is Malgorzata Bes-Janička, member of the TVP3 Opole program board and leader of the regional structures of the Committee for the Protection of Democracy:

– PiS repeatedly violated the constitution and now its people are fighting to protect it. It is impossible to restore normality with the law they are making.

Only general and not specific. But he claims to be breaking the law. is allowed. Such is the morality of the savage.

– The years of PiS rule were a time of social demoralization. People have lost their shame. Comments and statements that were once unthinkable are now the norm. I am even more saddened that such a thing comes from a clergyman.

opinion. No one showed more aggression and more vulgar language than KODziarze, ObywateleRP and it's not just 8 stars = ***** ***

In addition, this woman does not know what the Internet is and what is on it. He is such a media “specialist”.

… should unite people. Spread mercy. Meanwhile, we are dealing with the radicalization of hate speech. Prof. Fr. The Me Lis brand is consistent with what Jan Pietrzak said about accepting refugees in former concentration camps, he says.

There is no mercy for evil and there will be no mercy. Traditional erasure of Christianity by people who hate Christianity. Yes, any more or less emotional criticism of the government and its brutality will be hate speech.

– We have a national psychosis – he adds. – Such words strengthen him. And they help escalate tensions that can lead to tragedy.

You are causing tragedy. Out of a primitive desire for revenge, for petty reasons, you want to destroy Poland.

Well, Fr. Prof. Dr. Marek Lees himself has repeatedly criticized the media for “good change”, but this is not enough. To win the approval of Opole society (in Opole Voivodeship the PO and the left have had the strongest support in Poland for decades – if you don't believe me, check it out), you have to be like the rest and not be broke. away. Keep your mouth shut and be afraid to say things that the opinion makers won't like.

The signal is that if someone stands out and “says the right word”, he will be criticized by the “authorities” of the whole of Poland. The platform government is always right, and if someone doesn't like it, it will hit them in the head.

Hence the attempt to create a terror of shame, of lies, by the editors who fired Nova Tribuna from Opolskie, which owns Polska Press, after it was taken over by Orlen. The left-wing and PO-supporting editor-in-chief Krzysztof Zizic was the hero of the sacking, after which several journalists left.

By the way, how should you be afraid of what they say. Prof. Marek Lee, if only because of one record they make an article like this. What if no one “followed” the priest? To suppress the counter-revolution? you're scared, aren't you? You are afraid because you know what you are doing is wrong.

I'm just a blogger at the moment, but I'm interested in the goodness of Poland. No one gives me money, I write for free, I give my time. I have many complaints about the actions of the public media in favor of PiS, but you have to be an extremely petty idiot not to see that Poland is starting to collapse.

The liquidation of the state media is a precursor to the liquidation of Poland, and I do not care about the evil grin of the modern Targowice. What funny, profound words the madman said – someone will say, but if I say more bluntly, I don't care.

Yes! After taking power, Hitler quickly took over the media! He outlawed inconvenient political parties. Nazi bandits destroyed the printing houses and the press. Newspapers that wanted to survive used self-censorship. Today, the goal is self-censorship – political correctness, or the terror of lies, as the latter said. Krzysztof Karon.

The lack of patriotic Polish media, even silly but patriotic, will slowly destroy Polishness, democracy and citizenship. “Strong people” are like SA – shock troops.


“Telling the truth in the face of universal lies is a revolutionary act”

“The more society departs from the truth, the more it hates those who preach it. Truth is the new language of hate. Telling the truth in the age of lies is a revolutionary act.”

Apparently it wasn't George Orwell who wrote the above quotes. Hang up. They are popular on the English (and Polish) internet because they have so much wisdom.

The last time has come for Poland, be it or not. We live in interesting times.

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