The past year 2023 was full of miracles. The last of them are the words from the President's speech that the Constitution must be respected. Dream New Year's Eve” – he wrote later New Year's address of President Andrzej Duday Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

Speech of President Andrzej Duda. He spoke about the changes in the public media

On Sunday evening, the President delivered a New Year's speech. Among others, Andrzej Duda commented on: changes in public media.

– Unfortunately, in recent days, the government coalition, which tried to take over the public media, broke these rules. For the first time in free Poland since 1989, there was an attempt to take control of the public media by forceTV signals of some channels were switched off and news broadcasts were interrupted. Finally, Polish television, Polish radio and Polish press agency were liquidated, he said.

look: Andrzej Duda's message. He appealed to those in power: these should be your political decisions

The President emphasized that “Those in power can reform the public media, but it must be done in accordance with the law.. He added that he is ready to discuss legislative changes. – However, I will never agree to the violation of the constitution, and unfortunately, this is the situation we are currently dealing with – he said.

– Statements following the important decisions made by the resolutions of the Parliament also cause serious concern. Resolutions of the Seimas do not have the legal force to be the basis for the actions of state bodies for citizens. Such actions are also categorically against the Constitution. If we agree to such a practice today, every new parliamentary majority will be able to act in this way in the future, he said.

Andrzej Duda said that “in accordance with his constitutional rights” he would be against such actions.

Prime Minister's speech. “We will win – it has already happened, we will defeat evil – it is already happening.”

Saturday night though Prime Minister Donald Tusk made a New Year's speech. – What a year it was! This will go down in Polish history as a time of breakthrough, he began.

The Prime Minister thanked for the past year. – He was difficult. It is full of great emotions, controversy, but also civil awakening and the triumph of democracy. We managed to break the record of participation in the elections – she said.

look: Prime Minister Donald Tusk's speech. “In 2023 you will surprise the world”

He also added that as head of government, he might retake the oath he took during the Million Hearts March in Warsaw. – We will win – it has already happened. We will deal with evil – it is already happening. We will correct the mistakes – we are already starting to do it. And most importantly: we will reconcile – he said, noting that reconciliation “will probably be the most difficult task”.

We will restore the true meaning of words and patriotism will never again be a cover for dishonesty and simple theft. We will talk to each other honestly and respectfully. I guarantee it. Our motherland will be reborn as a modern, strong state, he said in his message.

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