– It is an incredible situation. them They choose another place of rest, this is the presidential palace. This is a clear use of a certain situation when no one will use force against such an institution as the President of the Republic of Poland, Prime Minister Donald Tusk said.

Jailed PiS politicians Maciej Wąsik and Mariusz Kamiński took part in the celebrations at the presidential palace on Tuesday. After the celebration, they issued a statement from Palace Square indicating that they were not hiding from the justice system. Then they returned to the building of the presidential palace.

– We have This is an attempt to build dual power with the participation of the most important state institutions. This worries me The President joined the events organized by Jaroslaw Kaczynski – added.

These are actions aimed at the foundations of the Polish state. They are trying to involve the Supreme Court and the Prosecutor's Office in this activity, because these institutions remain in the hands of PiS. It is very disturbing that the president is also involved in causing this conflict, said the Prime Minister.

Donald Tuska cited a section of the Criminal Code on hiding criminals.

– This is the first paragraph of Article 239 of the Criminal Code: “Whoever prevents or obstructs the criminal proceedings against the perpetrator of a crime, including the perpetrator of a fiscal crime, in avoiding criminal liability, in particular. Someone who hides a criminal, creates false evidence or covers the traces of a crimeincluding fiscal offences, or serves a sentence for a conviction, shall be punished by imprisonment from three months to five years“I am reading this fragment in order to make the president understand what he has gotten himself into,” said the Prime Minister.

– I address the president: You need to stop this harmful show. You will be responsible for this, for ignoring the constitution, for violating the regulations, for ignoring the decision, warned Donald Tusk.

Court decisions regarding M. Kamiński and M. Wąsik

Police headquarters announced Tuesday morning that court orders had been obtained ordering police to prosecute him. Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesik in prison.

As announced in a press release sent to the media on Monday, signed by the Vice-President of the Warsaw-Shrodmiesz District Court, Judge Piotr Maksimowicz, that court did not accept the request to refuse to initiate enforcement proceedings against Kaminski. He did not take into account the request for the suspension of the execution proceedings and the request for a two-year prison sentence for the convicted Kaminski and Vesik.

“Based on the content of the decision and the orders for the execution of the decision, the executive documentation was prepared, including the order to bring the convicts to the Kaminski and Vesik penitentiary units,” says Judge Maksimovic.

The case of Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vesik

Former head of CBA and former Minister of Internal Affairs On December 20, 2023, Mariusz Kaminski and his former deputy Maciej Wąsik were sentenced to two years in prison by the final verdict. Land scandal.

look: Will PiS politicians go to prison? Mariusz Kaminski's lawyer spoke

The case is back in court more than eight years after the Supreme Court's June ruling. In early June 2023, the Supreme Court in the Criminal Chamber, following cassation appeals filed by assistant prosecutors, annulled the termination of the case against the former CBA executives, which was made by the Warsaw District Court in March 2016. The amnesty law that President Andrzej Duda used against the then illegally convicted ex-officers, CBA leaders, and referred the case to the Supreme Court for review.

On Monday evening, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, Markin Kiervinski, assured that “after the decision of the court, which ordered the police to arrest M. Kaminski and M. If Vesik is brought, the police will immediately take appropriate measures.”


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