Texas Governor Greg Abbott sends Buses with illegal migrants In several cities run by pro-immigration Democrats, including Los Angeles and New York. Southern Republican governors are responding symbolically to federal efforts to crack down on illegal migration, mostly from South America and Africa and Asia to Arizona and Texas via Mexico.

New York suit

In response, New York City Mayor Eric Adams filed a $708 million lawsuit against 17 Texas bus charter companies for their role in “Abost's plan to transport tens of thousands of migrants to New York City.”

Democrats accuse them of violating state law, among other things. “For not paying the costs of caring for these migrants.”

Texas responds

However, Abbott insists the lawsuit is without merit and legal action may be taken against Adams soon.

“Mary Adams clearly has no understanding of the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution or the constitutional right to travel recognized by the United States Supreme Court. Every migrant who traveled by bus or plane to New York City did so voluntarily.” Abbott wrote in a news release.

He added that migrants are allowed to stay in the United States by President Biden's administration. “Therefore, they have a constitutional right to travel across the country, which Mayor Adams is preventing,” he noted.

“If the mayor continues with this process, he may be held legally responsible for his violations,” he added.

Adams complains about 'political games'

More than 33,600 migrants have been sent from Texas to New York since the spring of 2022, according to the New York City Hall. In total, the so-called cities across the country Abbott will send more than 90,000 migrants.

Last week, Adams issued an order to curb migrant buses, dubbed “Operation Lone Star,” requiring chartered vehicles to announce their arrival 32 hours in advance and to pick up migrants only on weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and noon.

“New York has and always will do everything it can to address this humanitarian crisis, but we cannot bear the cost of reckless political operation by the state of Texas itself,” Adams said Thursday in announcing the lawsuit. According to the Adams administration, New York receives nearly 4,000 migrants a week.

Mayor: No more room

During a visit to Mexico in October, Adams tried to explain to the locals that there were already too many migrants in the United States.

“There is no room left in New York. Our hearts are limitless, but our resources are not (…) We don't want to move people into collective shelters. We don't want people to think they're going to find work,” he said. New York is full,” he admitted in a conversation with journalists.

Harris did not allow immigrants into his villa

The actions of Republican governors are causing disappointment on the part of Democrats. For example, in December 2022, on Christmas Day in Washington, DC, buses transporting 130 illegal immigrants from Texas. It was locked at the villa of Vice President Kamala Harris.

At that time there was a huge blizzard in the US and it was very difficult for cars to move. Many roads were impassable and temporarily blocked. For this reason, buses had to stop running for some time. According to the New York Times, the buses with migrants stuck in front of the Harris villa were destined for New York.

The incident happened on Christmas Eve. According to rebelnews.com reporter Kathy Daviscourt, Vice President Harris did not invite immigrants to his seat.

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