The Auschwitz Museum responded to the words broadcast on Republic TV. Columnist Marek Krol said in a video that migrants should be microchipped or tattooed with numbers on their left arms. “Auschwitz was the only German camp where prisoners had numbers,” the museum responded on social media.

On the air of Telewizja Republika Publicist Marek Krol suggested that Migrants must have ID cards, just like it is done with dogs. He suggested an alternative Tattoo numbers On their left hand, which he thought would be a cheaper option. Scandalous words They met with universal outrage and disapproval of hate speech.

The columnist insulted migrants. The case will be transferred to the prosecutor's office

Deputy of Civil Coalition Claudia Jachira He announced that he will refer this case to the prosecutor's office. On the other hand, Michal Rachon, program director of “Republic” TV company, in his recording on the X platform. He shies away from such comparisons. “Europe's immigration policy is dangerous for Poland and Europe itself. however This does not justify dehumanizing people “illegally crossing the borders of the European Union,” he said.

look: Scandalous words on Republic TV. Marek Krol spoke about the “migrant chip”

They also responded to this issue on social networks Auschwitz Museum. institution memory care To the victims of the events that happened 80 years ago, he recalls How they harmed the prisoners German camp.

Scandalous words from a publicist. There is a reaction from the museum

“Auschwitz was there The only German campin which the prisoners The numbers were tattooed” – wrote the museum on the X platform. In the record, it was also recalled that in the fall of 1941, Soviet prisoners of war celebrated in this way. since March 1942. Jews and Poles were also tattooed He was transferred from Auschwitz to Birkenau and from the beginning of 1943 other prisoners.

look: Scandal after the words of Jan Pietrzak. The prosecutor's office started an investigation

This is not the first reaction of the Auschwitz Museum Trying to dehumanize migrants by right-wing publicists. Before that, the institution referred to the words of Jan Pietrzak, who stated that “we have barracks for immigrants in Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Stutthof.”

“The tragedy of Auschwitz shows why They are guided by ideas of hatred and contempt for other people. The instrumentalization of the fate of people who died in German camps with anti-immigration rhetoric is shameful and appalling.Manifestation of moral and intellectual corruption“- said in the statement of the Auschwitz Museum.

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