We asked a real estate agent for help in selling this apartment. He is familiar. We agreed on the amount of PLN 340,000. PLN for the apartment, of which PLN 10,000 PLN should have been for him – say Mr. and Mrs. Orleanski.

The apartment was sold At the beginning of March last year. Mr. Adrian was unpleasantly surprised when signing the purchase agreement with the notary.

look: “Intervention”. The actor is fighting to get the apartment back. It costs about PLN 2 million

– That's how it turned out 15,000 is missing from the new owner. zlotySo I wasn't happy about it, but he gave me a guarantee that he would give me my money back – says Adrian Orleansky.

Real estate agent in writing undertook to return the lost PLN 15,000 to Mr. Adrian by March 10, 2023. zloty. Unfortunately, this did not happen.

– My husband has written and called several times, and so far the money has not arrived – says Agnieszka Orleanska.

“Nothing belongs to this lady, so they haven't taken anything”

Mr. Adrian was running out of patience. He took the case to court and won. It was in August. Unfortunately, the real estate agent did not respect the court's decision.

I referred the matter to the bailiff. The bailiff contacted me after some time and said that the lady has a debt to ZUS, the insurance company, and nothing. It doesn't belong to this lady, so they have nothing to download – says Mr. Adrian.

– Now we will go and prove that this lady still works in the office. He sells insurance and real estate. so He does what he did before – says Mr. Adrian.

Here is an office conversation with a real estate agent:

Reporter: Good morning. Is this your agency?

Agent: Yes, mine.

Reporter: And you've been doing it for a long time, haven't you?

Agent: Fifteen years.

Reporter: And always You work here and there is always turnoveris it true

Agent: Yes, sir.

Reporter: Well, congratulations. Now I will introduce myself. I am from Telewizja Polsat. My name is Małgorzata Frydrych from the program “Interwencja”. And I'm on this case…

Mr. Adrian: Hello, good morning.

Agent: First of all… I don't agree to be recorded.

Mr. Adrian: I wanted to communicate with you, I wanted everything to be normal. Here is the court's decision. We meet each other many times. And I wanted to know When will I get my money back?.

Agent: First of all, I don't want to be filmed…

Reporter: And Mr. Adrian wants money…

Agent: A Why doesn't the executive give him money?

He has no money, but he rents apartments to tenants

If there is any money In that case, i.e. legally obtained, They will take care of them. He has tied up all his bank accounts. You are not the only creditor in this debtor's case. This is forty processes. There is ZUS, there is a tax office – explains the bailiff.

– Now we go to the next building, where You are the owner and rent apartments to families from Ukraine – says Mr. Adrian.

look: “Intervention”. The company does not want to give up the land. Farmers are outraged

On the spot, the “intervention” team learned from one of the Ukrainian employers that Pays “Mrs. Gosia” 900 PLN.

– everyone Families help debtors hide their assets. Cars are registered in their name and apartments are bought. Employers agree to employ someone illegally just so the executive can't access the property and collect it, says Przemyslaw Malecki of the National Executive Council in Warsaw.

“I'll give you money and leave me alone”

What happened during the reporting surprised Mr. Adrian.

– I received a message from this lady. “I have money for you, where are you? I will give you money and leave me alone– read Mr. Adrian.

– M He found the money in fifteen minutes. Thank you very much, we are really very satisfied – sums up Mr. Adrian's father.

Video material from “Intervention” is available. here.

Malgorzata Friedrich/ “Intervention”


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