After Janek Pietrzak, it was time for Marek Krol. The former editor-in-chief of “Wprost” talked about tattooing and microchipping of migrants. Tomas Sakievic had to distance himself from these statements. At the same time, the first advertisers stop cooperating with conservative television.

After the king's words, the TV company “Republica” is in trouble. Sakievich and Rakhon react

First, Jan Pietrzak proposed locking up refugees in concentration camps. Now Television Republic He took it a step further and invited a right-wing publicist to the studio. Marek Kroll.

The former editor-in-chief of the weekly Wprost was asked to comment on the EU's work on the migration pact, and specifically on the solidarity mechanism for the movement of refugees.

– The idea of ​​moving is a Nazi idea. The Germans have a long history of driving cattle to Auschwitz and unfortunately they are doing it again, said Marek Krol.

– The easiest way is to put chips, just like dogs. And of course it's cheaper to get their numbers tattooed on their left arms and then easier to find, he added.

The presenter Lukasz Jankowski did not respond to these scandalous words.

After the publication of the material, there was an uproar on social networks. After some time he had to react Tomas Sakievichwho released a short statement on the X platform. “We do not agree with the statement made by Marek Krol on our channel,” we read.

Finally, he also intervened Michal Rachon, program director of “Republic” TV station. “We deeply disagree with the statement made by editor Marek Kroll on our channel,” he noted.

“I guess it's not about running away from advertisers, is it?” – joked the weekly “NIE” on the X platform.

However, the prank turned out to be a real problem for the station. The first advertisers have already been pulled Broadcasting of commercials on “Republica” TV station.

“We checked with the media house Wavemaker, which is responsible for buying advertising time in the media on our behalf. It turns out that TV Republika has recently become part of the package of thematic stations offered by Polsat,” Ikea said.

“The package was purchased as a whole, so we did not know about the change in the offer. From tomorrow, there will be no more advertising on the TV company “Repubblica”, they added in their statement.

Representatives of mBank also responded and have already received results for further scandalous statements. “We do not support the activities of this channel. We have stopped advertising on “Republica” TV station,” we read.

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