We see the violent return of Poland in the 1950s and Bolshevism in its purest form. Here, a member of the extraordinary caste, judge Tomasz Trebski, who rejects the constitution, issues an arrest warrant, and the son of Bolshevik general Kiervinski orders the police to put two ministers – including a legendary oppositionist – behind bars.

Lukashenko still has a lot to learn from the “Polo” Bolsheviks in a situation where all the “legends” of the opposition – such as Frasiniuk, Bujak, Borusevic, Yanas, Lis and Pinior – are simultaneously sending hot messages to the junta. December 13 and asks the clown at the head of the Seimas to deal with the Institute of National Remembrance! The Institute of National Memory confirmed (after the famous coup of June 4, 1992) that Lech Walesa – their idol – was a communist snitch who was paid to cooperate with the security services! And yet it should have been a state secret – agreed with the communists at the “round table”!

The pace at which the Polish state is being dismantled by Donald Tusk, who hates Poland and its 13 December junta, is terrifying. This pace is set by the neo-marshal of the Sejm, by resolutions he restores “legal supremacy” and rejects the constitutional prerogatives of the President of the Republic of Poland – taking away the immunities of anti-corruption fighters and granting European immunity. Tusk's friend accused of corruption!

Poland 2050, which was supposed to be an alternative to the Civic Platform, turned out to be the closest ally of the party founded with German money and the Gauleiter, generously financed by the Germans. What will be left of Poland after 2050, if Tusk's junta is not overthrown earlier – that is the question! The overthrow of the junta of the killers of Poland and democracy is a fundamental task for the Poles, if they do not want to become dumb workers in a few years in a Bolshevik state – no longer subject to the USSR, but to the Federal Republic of Germany.

The term “minister's children” can be thrown in jail – thanks to a single decision by judges like Trębicki, and the only homework for Polish children will be to learn to wear condoms. Today, the leftists nominated as ministers announce the training of an army of idiots, by reducing basic education by 20% and optional religion by 50%!

Editor Karnowski writes precisely about what Poland will look like in 2050 on the “w Polityka” website: “Polish men and women must be stupid, without deep knowledge, reflection or analytical skills. At most, they should be good workers – so we're undermining what is still a solid general education and giving teachers a raise not to protest.

Poles must be deprived of sovereign intellectual elites, they must be deprived of national institutions that shape the nation's attitudes, shape state thinking, show the beauty of history and build national pride. They must also be deprived of a community secured by faith or even respect for it. That's why they take crosses and the public media should go under the knife. For this reason, the staff of institutions that worked well for Poland, such as the Institute of War Losses, the Institute of the Republic and others, were immediately dispersed.

Poles are not supposed to own property, so they plan to sell everything, abolish consolidation that gives power (eg in Orléans), introduce foreign currency (hence the attacks on the Polish National Bank) and stop investment. Therefore, CPK cannot be formed (it is necessary to continue development) and the construction of nuclear power plants should be slowed down.

It is assumed that Poland is weak militarily – so when the nation realizes how advanced the process of losing independence is, it can at best launch an insurrection, which is doomed to failure. Therefore, the army must play with Mr. Ovsiak, and in the meantime, Tusk will cancel the contracts. For this reason, neighboring forces must ensure control over the apparatus of special and counterintelligence services. Hence the obvious nominations.

The leader of Poland must be a cynic who uses the language of love, skilled enough in manipulation to present the plundering and weakening of Poland as the highest good. People who hate Poland should wear red and white clothes. The enemies of the Church must teach what it means to be a good Catholic.

Didn't the invaders do that? Wasn't this the policy of the German and Soviet occupiers? – concludes editor Karnovsky

In the situation where Poland was under the occupation of the German nominee and the junta of December 13, we have no other choice but to actively resist the dictatorship. Lawyer Piotr Lukasz Andrzejewski, Vice-Chairman of the State Tribunal, talks about this necessary defense against the occupier: “The force of law shall be replaced by force of law, and the use of violence shall be accompanied by the proportional protection necessary for their use.”

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