The Russians bombed Kiev continuously for several hours. Marian Prysiazhniuk, a journalist and volunteer of the Ukrainian army, spoke about the current situation directly from the capital of Ukraine on Polsat News. However, the conversation was interrupted by an approaching air attack. – We will escape in the subway – concluded Prisiazhniuk.

Russia's attack on the capital of Ukraine began at night. Aviation alarms sounded throughout the country. – Now I am sitting on the first floor. There are always explosions, getting closer and closer – Marian Prisiazhniuk reports on Polsat News.

A Ukrainian army journalist and volunteer reports that the explosions continued for several hours. – There was an airplane attack at night, then my girlfriend and I went down and… These explosions have been going on non-stop for several hours – he emphasized.

look: Air alert throughout Ukraine. Russian attack on the capital

According to Reuters, 10 were injured. Prisiazhniuk admitted that there is still no information about possible victims. – I just read this Fragments fell on a civilian objectThe light went out here half an hour ago. My friends are writing this There is no water in some areas of the city – He gave it.

Video: Marian Prysiazhniuk reports from Kyiv

– It's scary now, because these explosions are getting closer and closer – he continued.

War in Ukraine. The bombing of Kiev continues. The journalist had to stop the interview

According to reports, the Russian army sent planes and missiles in the direction of Kiev. A total of 16 Tu-95MS strategic bombers are to be deployed over the city. The journalist added that the case is very serious and asked local residents not to ignore it.

look: War in Ukraine. Russia launched missiles. Massive attack on Kiev

– People are told not to pay attention to the alarm and to go to shelters because People are used to war and no longer react to it. Especially at night, when everyone wants to sleep and the Russians attack, he said and announced the end of the conversation at that time.

At one point, Prysiazniuk said he had to hang up because he and his loved ones were supposed to be fleeing the bombing. – I want to put on my shoes, maybe we can run to the subway – added the journalist and hung up.

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