The police are investigating the case of Italian actress Nino Frasica, who is accused by her neighbors of defamation, persecution and incitement to criminal acts. The man allegedly committed these actions while searching for a lost cat. The animal disappeared in Spoleto, where Frasica is shooting a popular TV series.

Nino Frasica He spends part of the year in the city Spoleto in the Umbria region. The TV series “Don Mateo” was filmed there, in which Frasica plays one of the main roles. However, in the eyes of some neighbors, the actor's presence in the city is no longer welcome. All this is thanks to the artist's catrather its disappearance.

Frasica's four-legged friend disappeared last September. The actor announced this on the social network. The cat disappeared after arriving in Spoleto. The actor's attempt to find the animal angered the local population. They also led to an investigation against him. artist Accused of, among others, defamation, harassment and incitement to criminal activity.

The famous actor disrupted the life of the Italian city. It's all because of the cat

When Frasica shared the news of her pet's disappearance on social media, she also reached out to her fans. Help me find the cat Offered a reward of five thousand euros (approx. PLN 21.5 thousand). After a while, the amount was doubled.

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With 300,000 followers on the actor's Instagram profile, the response was immediate. “Guardian” reports about this People from all over Italy came to Spoleto, Good luck in your search. Some were taken with them Drones and tracking dogs. However, this did not bring the expected result.

The famous actor's cat has disappeared. There were threats

As time passed, the situation became dire for Frasica's neighbors. Two families claimed this The actor, his wife and daughter directly accused them of being involved in the cat's disappearance. At some point, a note appeared on Frasica's social media, in which the artist indicated the address of a neighbor who allegedly kept the animal. A group of residents He reported it to the police, who started an investigation.

A lawyer for one of the applicants, quoted by The Guardian, claims that his clients received Thousands of threatening messages. The situation worsened when Frasica finished recording the series and returned to his home in Rome. The actor and his family do not want to comment on the case while the process is ongoing.

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However, Frasica does not shy away from uncomfortable questions. He will soon return to Spoleto to film the next season of the series. moreover, In February, the ceremony of handing over the keys to the city will be held. Amid the controversy over the disappearance of the actor's cat, some residents and local politicians Requests to remove this honor.

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