Agnieszka and Olivier found themselves in a foster family in 2020. for fifteen months are ready for adoption. However, so far no family has come forward to take care of them.

– The legal status of the children has been regulated since October 2022, and since then, after the court's decision, they are ready for adoption, but. We have not found any candidates or adopters at this time. And time flies – stresses Katzina Bilika, head of the Family Assistance Center in Raipin.

“It's time to find their home”

The twins' biological mother abuses alcohol, also during pregnancy. And in accordance with Children were diagnosed with FAS, or fetal alcohol syndrome. Fortunately, the twins are developing normally.

– In kindergarten, they play, develop, sing songs, recite poems. If I had not seen this decision, this ruling, I would not have said that there is something wrong with these children. They are just like other children their age, says Krzysztof Piotrowski, who runs a foster family.

The twins spent most of their lives in the foster family of Mrs. Eva and Mr. Krzysztof. The couple has two biological and two adopted children. They care for an additional eleven children in foster care.

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– Several dozen children have passed through our house over the years. Some longer, some shorter. Olek and Agnieszka have been together for a long time. Very long. It's time for them to find their forever home – emphasizes Krzysztof Piotrowski.

As she adds, the children above all “love togetherness, as twins do. Aga, because she grows up among boys, because most of them are boys, playing with cars and balls, but also likes trivia, coloring books, making lip gloss, perfumes – like a girl. Olo – Cars, ball, running around the yard.”

No one has registered yet

This year, the family support center in Raipin He did not appear ready for the love of twins. And that's why officials asked for help with the intervention. They want viewers all over Poland to hear about Agnieszka and Olivier.

– As for adoption and our district, it doesn't seem very interesting. We are a small district – 43,000 inhabitants. We have 25 host families. We also have two orphanages that are full – says Yaroslav Sochak, star of the Rypin district.

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– Our twins are beautiful. They are 4.5 years old and I believe they deserve to be loved and find a family that will love them. This was the reason why we turned to the state and asked for help. Because we believe that time is running out – explains Katarzyna Bilichka, head of the district family support center.

– They are very sociable, they like to hug, so I think that television will help us – adds Eva Piotrowska, who runs a foster family.

“They're waiting for someone to fall in love”

Agnieszka and Olivier have been growing up in a large family for three years, but this is a replacement family and they need exclusivity. Gemini is everything to themselves – they expect to become the whole world to the one who loves them.

– These are the children who will definitely win your heart right away. They are cool, open, not problematic. If someone has decided to adopt children, please do not hesitate – Olo and Agnieszka are waiting for you – emphasizes Krzysztof Piotrowski.

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– Maybe these were people already trained by the adoption center. But these may also be people who had such an opinion today or some time ago Let's become an adoptive family and we can start this process – adds Katažina Bilichka, head of the district family support center in Raipin.

Video material from “Intervention” is available. here.

Milena Slavinska/Intervention

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