The entry of the police into the presidential palace to arrest Maciej Wesicki and Mariusz Kaminski was not only an unprecedented event in the history of the Polish Third Republic. It was also the breaking of the last of the informal fuses built into our political system. People might not like these fuses because they implied that subsequent teams didn't cross a certain line compared to their predecessors. These borders were already greatly expanded by the previous government, but the entry of the police into the residence of the head of state – although still in the absence of the president, most likely to avoid a direct confrontation between the officers and Andrzej Duda – is symbolic. The end of the system of unwritten security measures. So now absolutely anything can happen.

Today, the president is on the defensive, and his decision to launch a pardon process for jailed politicians only underscores that. It is not excluded that we will encounter further episodes of the dispute – this time regarding the expiration of the mandate of both MPs.

(By the way, we must remember the guarantees of the coalition that the police will no longer be used to carry out political orders. The reports of the employees of the office of the president from the arrest of both indicate that the officers carried out the task assigned to them. With extraordinary diligence. Politicized and long lost authority, the police must always please the current government) .

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