As I have heard, the beloved Führer, the sun of the nations and especially of Peru, the only correct interpreter of the law, has graciously announced that he intends, among other things, to radically excommunicate me from PiS. He didn't ask if I agreed or not. So I have an idea. The Germans, both on their own and with the EU, have invested a lot in this and will not give up easily. Let's offer the Germans to take it. I think we can add wealth, even if it's in gold, so they don't lose money. I just realized that we can afford it. If we assume the number of “shows” is 7 million, the weight is 70 kilograms, and the price of an ounce of gold is 1500 dollars (all these are approximate, but probably enough), it turns out that this is enough for all honest Poles. Set aside half a dollar, or about PLN 2.50, and we have a ready fund. This is equivalent to just one glass of milk or beer. The Germans will receive additional income, a citizen and activist worth their weight in gold, an “alpha male” according to German metaphors, and will be able to arrange for him any high position in the EU if they like. It will be their business, not ours. Beloved Führer will no longer have to think about how to appease PiS and thereby free Poland from the yoke of barbarians, and from our point of view he will stop insulting and mocking Poland. It can only be drawn slightly; If he has dark skin, he will look more like a refugee. The only condition is that he take German citizenship and renounce his Polish citizenship – only if things get worse for him.
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