PiS politicians Mariusz Kaminski and Mackie Vesik have been staying in the presidential palace since Tuesday. Then they were arrested. How do foreign media view the current situation in Poland? It turns out that the West did not buy the PiS narrative about “political prisoners” at all. The sites first reported on what was happening to PiS politicians, and then on their arrests.

Vesik and Kaminski “hid” with Duda. This is how they write about it in the West

Among others, the current situation in Poland is noted by: The world's leading news agency – Reuters. “Prime Minister Donald Tusk accused President Andrzej Duda of obstructing the administration of justice after two members of parliament who should be jailed appeared at the presidential palace on Tuesday,” the agency's text reads.

The situation is unbelievable. Convicts are supposed to be put in solitary confinement, but are choosing to isolate themselves in another, more comfortable place – the presidential palace – reporters from Prime Minister Tusk's agency quoted him as saying, stressing that he leads Poland's new pro-EU coalition government. The Reuters dispatch appeared in other media, including US media such as the US News website.

ABC News also writes about the current situation in our country. “The President of Poland granted asylum to two convicted politicians “For overstepping the bounds of power by welcoming members of the former ruling party to the presidential palace, whom the police intended to arrest,” reads an article based on another major news agency – Associated Press.

In turn, it is important for economists Bloomberg agency Undoubtedly, and he makes his text clear: “Fugitive lawmakers throw Poland into greater political chaos“.

“The chairman of the Polish parliament warned that the country might fall into a constitutional crisis because the president gave asylum to two former ruling party representatives wanted by the police,” the journalists of this media informed the readers.

Andrzej Duda's movement is widely commented on in the German media. Liberal “Süddeutsche Zeitung” wrote about it The defeated PiS party continues to try to complicate matters New Polish The government of Donald Tusk. “The President of Poland apparently spent Tuesday evening in the company of two criminals,” we read at the beginning of the text. Some agencies and media reported on this PiS politicians have already been arrested in the presidential palace.

German media: Tusk accuses President Duda of sabotage

However, more preservatives “Münchner Merkur” notes that “Tusk accuses President Duda of sabotage“. The report states that “the president, who comes from the ranks of PiS, received former interior minister Mariusz Kaminski and his state secretary Maciej Vasik at the presidential palace in the morning, while the police were supposed to take them away. in prison”.

Reminder: politicians PiS stayed with Andrzej Duda for several hours. He was arrested in the evening. “Arrested in accordance with the order of the court,” wrote Czeslaw Mrocek, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration on the X website. And its head, Markin Kierwinski, briefly wrote: “Everyone is equal before the law.”

The police immediately responded to this issue. “Based on the previous message, we inform you that in accordance with the order of the court, the persons mentioned in the order have been arrested,” the police headquarters said. The politicians were sent to the Warsaw-Grokhov Detention Center.

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