According to, he created a report on the quality of life in European cities European Commission.

“The 112-page report is based on research conducted between January and April 2023, in which 71153 residents from 83 cities took part in it in the countries of the European Union, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), Great Britain, the Western Balkans and Turkey,” we read on the website.

The rating shows that approx. 9 out of 10 people are satisfied with living in their city.

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The ten best cities to live in Europe:

10. Cluj-Napoca, Romania

It is the capital of the Transylvanian region of Romania and the second most populous city in the country. Politico reports that the tech sector in this city is booming, so finding work is not a problem.

Braga is one of the oldest cities in Portugal. 94 percent of respondents said they are satisfied with living in their city. One of the arguments is that the residents of Braga feel safe in the city.

The same number of respondents are satisfied with life in the German city of Rostock as in the Portuguese city. “It's also a good place for older people and families with young children (second and sixth in Europe, respectively). 85% of respondents stated that they are satisfied with their personal professional situation,” reports

The administrative seat of the canton of Geneva ranks second in terms of population. 18.6 percent of city residents are millionaires. It is the most important financial center after Zurich Switzerland. One of the downsides of living in Geneva is the housing prices.

according to the rating created by European Commission Stockholm is considered a good place to live for people from the LGBTQ+ community. The downside, as in Geneva, is the apartment prices.

According to the rating Gdańsk 95 percent live there. Satisfied population. “It is also perceived as a good place for immigrants from other countries to live,” reads According to reports, the residents of Gdansk are also satisfied with the cultural facilities in the city.

The most populous center in Saxony and second only to Berlin in the eastern part of Germany. Families with children value life in this city, and according to the portal, 83 percent of residents say they are satisfied with the air quality in the city.

3. Copenhagen, Denmark

Copenhagen is among the top three cities to live in Europe. About 96 percent of residents surveyed in the report say Copenhagen is a good place to live. Politico also points out “Copenhagen may be the least corrupt city in Europe.”

A city in the northern Netherlands, the capital of the province of the same name. There is a famous university in Groningen. Politico reminds that this city has the largest pub in Europe (capacity of more than 3700 people). The population believes that the city is clean and safe.

1. Zurich, Switzerland

Up to 97 percent of Zurich residents were satisfied with life in this city. The population positively evaluates their financial and professional situation, as well as public transport and health care.

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