The shelter in Krakow shared the good news. Hundreds of people have joined the 'freeze campaign', which allows dogs to be temporarily adopted. There was no shortage of volunteers, and thanks to this, all the dogs were moved from the outdoor boxes to the warm indoor rooms. Some animals ended up in exceptional hands, such as Mumbai, who will later spend time in the Krakow City Guard.

Shelter for homeless animals in Krakow KTOZ On Friday, he asked for help for dogs in need and announced a “freeze campaign” that allows pets to be adopted temporarily. Thanks to such adoptions, some dogs will be able to spend the coming bitter frosts at home, and some dogs left in the shelter will find a place in indoor, heated boxes.

look: Severe frosts are coming. The Krakow shelter is asking for help

“We want you to know that the joy we feel thanks to you is beyond all limits. All dogs were moved from outdoor stalls to indoor spaces Thanks to your adoption. We are very grateful and very happy,” the shelter said About the end of “Operation Frost”. Sunday afternoon.

“Action Frost”. All dogs of the Krakow shelter will spend the winter warm

There was no shortage of dogs willing to temporarily adopt dogs. Deputy Lukash Litevka published a video showing the street being blocked by a line of cars. “Meanwhile at the Krakow shelter: sorry, what are you defending? “for dogs”” – says the inscription under the note.

Temporary dog ​​adoption. Mumbai was transferred to the city guard station

Due to the large number of cars, they started parking in unauthorized places. The road was blocked and city security arrived. Officers started issuing tickets for improper parking, but then shelter staff began to explain. About this All mandates should be abolished. Moreover, the border guards decided to take part in the action themselves.

look: Krakow. Eight little cats in the window of life. The nuns called for refuge

“In response to the KTOZ homeless animal shelter appeal We have temporarily accepted Mombaja into our family! He will stay at our headquarters for the next few days, and after 24 hours, the guard on duty will make sure Mumbai feels comfortable and safe,” the Krakow City Guard wrote on Facebook.

“It's our first night together. There will be strokes and hugs!“- he added.

The end of “Operation Frost”. More than a hundred dogs found a new owner

As the Polsat News reporter found out, a total of 120 dogs found a temporary home, and half of them will stay with their new owners forever.

Video: The end of “Operation Frost” in the Krakow shelter

– I wanted to help these dogs, they will be poor in the cold, now it must be minus 18, so I think it is a great initiative, but. Clementina will definitely stay with me – said the lady who adopted one of the dogs in an interview with Polsat News.

Dogs with KTOZ can now feel safe and not worry about how they will survive the coming frost. But still A similar action is carried out by the shelter in Borek – the Fund for the Protection of Animal Rights and Pzhigarnyi Psiaka..

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