Michal Żebrowski has not appeared on Polish television for years. However, the moment finally came when TVP Info journalists invited the actor to their studio. Previously, the director of the 6th floor theater did not have a chance because he was critical of the actions of the PiS government.

Michal Žebrovski appeared on TVP Info

With big steps coming up 32. Christmas Charity Grand Orchestra Finale on the antenna TVP information Invited Michal Zhebrovskywhich has been supporting the Jerzy Ovsiak Foundation for years.

– I not only privately, but above all as an institution – Theater 6th floor – We have been involved in the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity for many years. We issue vouchers, tickets and various requisites. This year we have an extraordinary gift – said V Polish television.

– We always try to be a part of this big campaign. (…) Such a movement of free will and people who really want to be together one day when we collect money for the needy, who are Polish and feel a sense of community. It is nice that this is a secular action. We can be proud of that, as well as solidarity, Zhebrowski added.

Let us remind you that the famous actor did not spare words of criticism towards the representatives of the previous government. In April of last year, Zhebrowski emphasized that he comes from a very religious family, but that he does not identify with the current teachings of the church.

The director of the Warsaw theater assessed that the PiS government was “extremely ecclesiastical in its style and content”. – For several years, I have been under the impression that I am only an election cannon for people who treat Poles like parishioners in a church – he said in an interview with Politika.

At the end of September 2023, before the parliamentary elections, Žebrovsky published a note on Instagram in which he referred to Yaroslav Kaczynski.

“Poles suffer because they are ruled by the most unloved child – an unhappy man. Has Jaroslaw Kaczynski ever experienced love in his life? Did he ever walk hand in hand with a girl or a boy? Did he look into someone's eyes and see. His own future in those eyes? Did he kiss someone? Breathless?” – we read in the actor's post.

In recent years, Żebrowski has not appeared as a guest on Polish television programs. At most, he appeared in films broadcast on TVP channels – including: “Mr. Tadeusz” and “fire and sword”.

When is the WOŚP final this year?

32. Christmas Charity Grand Orchestra Finale It will be held on Sunday, January 28. This year's fundraising goal is: “Lungs after the pandemic. We play for children and adults.” The event is dedicated to the purchase of equipment “for the diagnosis, monitoring and rehabilitation of lung diseases of children and adolescents in the pulmonary departments of patients”.

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