Sad news Death of a priest Isakovic-Zaleski “Society and Memory” association announced on the X platform.

“It is with great pain and deep sadness that we inform you that today, at 08:00 a.m., in the Chrzanov hospital, our dear friend and honorary member of the Society and Memory Association, Father Tadeusz Isakovich-Zaleski, died. Serious illness, give him eternal rest, Lord…” – we read in the statement.

He fought for the truth all his life

These are some of the comments posted on the X website after Father Isakovic-Zaleski's death.


Father Tadeusz Isakovic-Zaleski died

In early 2023 Priest Tadeusz Isakovic-Zaleski announced that he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. In an interview with “Super Express”, he stated that he was undergoing hormone therapy, a pharmacological method of cancer treatment. Later, the priest started radiotherapy.

“I was in the hospital, undergoing radiotherapy. After that I feel bad, even though I just started,” he told reporters. “Fortunately, there are no metastases. This was due to the relatively early detection of cancer,” says Fr. Isakovic-Zaleski.

Cleric in March (and then in July 2023) He also gave an interview to “Do Rzeczy”..

“(…) The believer has the perspective that life does not end on earth. You should take into account that you may not be able to overcome the disease and death may occur. But you have a completely different perspective. I know. That this is not the end,” he said. The priest.

Everyone is afraid of death. Everyone fears suffering, especially chronic suffering. There are no heroes here. However, by the grace of God, I know that this is only a phase. Which, of course, is associated with a strong reflection. on life. About why I live and what comes next. We summarize. This applies to both believers and non-believers. Often the hospital bed is a resting place,” he added.

(translate tags) priest Tadeusz Isakovich-Zaleski

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