On Saturday evening, TVP viewers witnessed an unusual event. On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of Pawel Adamović's death, the presenter of “19:30” apologized to “Wiadomości”. – No television should use hate speech – said Zbigniew Luczynski.

“19:30” apologizes for “Wiadomości”.

On Saturday (January 13), on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the death of the president of Gdańsk, Pawel Adamowicz, the host “19:30” Zbigniew Luczynski apologized “News”. We remind you that although the news outlet was called a meme during the PiS government (because of its strange stripes), “Wiadomości” was accused of using propaganda and hate speech.

– No television, no news program should use hate speech. He cannot destroy people and incite evil people in society. We've just seen what that kind of language leads to, Luczynski said, referring to Adamowicz's death.

On behalf of the editorial staff of “19:30” and the current management of Telewizja Polska, we apologize for what happened at TVP “Wiadomości” in recent years. Especially people close to President Pavel Adamovich.

Most of the netizens believe that the employees of “7:30” should not apologize to “Wiadomości”, but their predecessors. “It is good that such a statement was made, but they should not apologize”; “It is a pity that decent people should apologize for the misdeeds of those people”; “This tragedy wouldn't have happened if it weren't for the hatred of PiS,” reads the X website (formerly Twitter).

We remind you that on Saturday in Gdańsk there was a rally “Light for Pavel Adamowicz”, which was attended by others. Donald Tusk. – Pawel Adamowicz wants us all to smile in Poland. The reason for our meeting is a tragic death, a brutal attack. So why should we smile? Pavel wanted it, and it is his duty to think and talk about the future, the head of the government said.

On March 16, 2023, the Gdansk District Court announced the verdict in the case of the murder of Pawel Adamowicz and agreed to the prosecutor's request. Stefan Vilmont was sentenced to life imprisonment. He also agreed to release the convict's data and image.

How many viewers is the program “7:30”?

When the first edition of “19:30” aired, literally millions of Poles gathered in front of their televisions. As we read on the website of Press.pl, the audience was 4.5 million viewers.

“He had an average performance in the first division 4.2 million viewers (32.6% in the general 4+ group, 32.11% in 16-49 ads and 31.3% in 16-59 ads), and in TVP Polonia – 270,000. and 2.09 percent, 1.96 percent, respectively . and 2.43 percent”, reports “Press”.

It should be noted that in November TVP's “Wiadomości” was watched by an average of 1.89 million viewers.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/536072,tusk-w-gdansku-wyglosil-mocne-slowa-tak-mowil-o-zmachuu-na-adamowicza

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