On December 22, at the age of 54, Krzysztof Respondek died suddenly. Meanwhile, TVP (Katowice branch) prepared a special material in memory of the famous actor and cabaret artist. His friends, acquaintances and colleagues will appear in it.

Program about Krzysztof Respondek on TVP. “Who knows, maybe we'll even laugh?”

Although since then Death of Krzysztof Respondek Three weeks have already passed, so on Sunday (January 14) TVP Katowice A program dedicated to him is being aired.

“He was a guest on TVP Katowice many times and made everyone laugh until they cried. We know from December 22nd that he will not appear in any program again. But “Dej pozór. Szoł will be the hero of the next edition.

The format will start exactly at 19:10. What can we see in it?

Krzysztof's friends, acquaintances and colleagues will talk about it: Krzysztof Hanke, Robert Talarczyk, Magdalena Piekorc, Olga Bonyczyk, Michal Bajor, Grzegorz Polocek, Maciej Pieprzyka, Piotr Kupycha. There will be clips from archived shows, his skits, songs and lots of good memories. Join us Sunday, January 14 at 7:10 p.m. We remember Krzyn together. Who knows, maybe we'll even laugh? Krzysztof always said that humor is one of the antidotes to the evils of this world.TVP Katowice

Respondek's career and departure

Reminder: Krzysztof answer He made a living as an actor, cabaret performer and vocalist. Extremely talented and versatile, he has since gained a lot of popularity Won the program “How they sing” in the 3rd edition. At the end of December 2023, he was the first to announce his death Friend Krzysztof Hanke. “my friend is gone Because a cabaret artist Krzysztof response. I can't add anything more,” he wrote.

What was the cause of Respondek's death?? In an interview with Portal Ślązag, Hanke said that a 54-year-old man was injured. heart attack. – Three days ago we played a party together. He was at full strength, joking as usual, a regular Krzyszt. And a heart attack at night. Zabrze was taken to the hospital. They fought for his life for three days. He died today at 12:52 – he described.

– There was a crisis in the ambulance and resuscitation began, which lasted almost an hour. Then Krzysz went straight to the operating table. It was a very difficult operation at Religa clinic in Zabrze. Krzysztof was given a bypass implant, he survived the operation, unfortunately, but later it was found that his brain was not working Beata Harasimovich, a friend of Respondek, told “fact” about this.“.

– When he survived the operation, we were optimistic. (…) He did not complain about anything. He led a healthy life, did not drink, did not smoke and played tennis. I am in shock, the whole community is in shock. I sympathize with Kasia, their daughters and Krzysz Hanke, who treated her like a brother – he added.

Funeral of Krzysztof Respondek Held on December 30, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. Apostles Peter and Pavle Tarnovsky in Gori. After the service, the urn with the artist's ashes was buried at the local municipal cemetery.

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