As Wirtualna Polska has unofficially established, PiS will recommend that those who are eligible to take the parliamentary mandates of Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesic should refuse to accept them. The portal asked the politicians, who were supposed to take the place of the convicts, about this case.

According to the latest news, District Court Warsaw-Śródmieście He has already prepared an order to transfer Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik to prison. Thus, both politicians can start their two-year prison terms at any time.

“There is a decision of the district court – Kaminski and Vesik should go to prison“The documentation is already ready” – TVN24 reporter Sebastian Napierai spread this information on the website X.

Maciej Wąsik immediately commented on this topic. – In this case Detain MPs with immunity. Because the Supreme Court decided that we are MPs again – he told Onet. He also informed that “he will not publicly speculate on what legal action they (Kaminski-ed.) will take.”

Does law and justice have an insidious plan?

As reported by Wirtualne Media, PiS already has a plan in this case Kaminsky and Vesik will be arrested behind bars. The club will convince its politicians, who will take their seats in the Seimas, not to accept mandates.

He would take the place left by Mariusz Kaminski Monika Pavlovska and after Maciej Wąsik – Violetta Culpa. Both politicians were asked about this issue by WP.

– I don't want to comment on this. We are currently preparing for a protest against the trampling of democracy in front of the Seimas. When the time comes, I will decide what to do with the mandate, he said in an interview with Kulpa.

Monika Pavlovska It also fills the mouth with water. – I will not comment on this issue until it is finally decided by the speaker of the Seimas and until further decisions are made by the party leadership and KP PiS. All decisions will be communicated in due course, he said.

Consequences of the “Land Scandal”.

Let's remember that By the end of December 2023 This year, PiS Vice-President Mariusz Kaminski and former Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration, Maciej Wąsik, heard the final verdict regarding the abuses that they, as leaders of the CBA, so-called. Land scandal in 2007.

Both PiS politicians were sentenced to the same sentence – two years in prison and a 5-year ban on leadership positions in public institutions. The Marshal of the Seimas is Shimon Holoun Accordingly, he issued decisions regarding the expiration of parliamentary mandates Kaminsky and Vesik.

However, the politicians still insist that all these legal decisions do not apply to them due to the act of grace that Andrzej Duda applied to them at the beginning of his presidency in 2015. However, the pardon came before the final verdict And some time ago the Supreme Court finally confirmed that they had no legal effect.

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