In addition to issues related to the policy towards Ukraine, in the new issue of our weekly we devote a lot of time to the political crisis that has hit our country, which according to Rishard Gromadzek is probably the most serious crisis since 1989.

– This crisis is caused by Donald Tusk's team and is related to the restoration of the rule of law. This situation undermines the foundations of the state, explains Gromadzki.

Also in “Do Rzeczy”:

– After a month of ruling the center-left, many Poles may perceive the last years of Mateusz Morawiecki's rule as a period of peace and predictability, notes Piotr Semka in the text “Tuskowszczyzna bez miczki”.

– I don't think anyone in the world has ever seen such a situation, when the entire legal establishment openly calls for the violation of the law, questioning even the idea of ​​its existence in tribal blindness – says Rafal A. Ziemkiewicz in the article “Lawyers”. of illegality”.

– Janusz Majewski, the director who entered the history of Polish cinema with the films “Zaklęte Rewiry”, “Lekcja mortym language” and “CK Dezerterzy” (Dead Language Lecture) and “CK Dezerterzy”, writes Piotr Gotsiek. In the text “Lekcje mr Janusz”.

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