“Our goal is to make the new tool, on the one hand, more attractive for people with low incomes and large families, and on the other hand, to limit its abuse by people whose high income allows them to get a loan from the regular market offer,” the publication reads. Ministry of Development. It was noted that in this year's budget, the amount of loan subsidy was provided, but the amount was not specified..

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Housing compromise of the ruling coalition

The bill will be ready at the beginning of 2024. As money.pl unofficially learned from two independent sources, the housing program should be a compromise solution built on the electoral promises of the political groups forming the governing coalition. According to our sources, the government plans to allocate at least PLN 400 million this year to subsidize soft loans.

About PLN 0.5 billion was wanted to be allocated to the program because the budget allowed for it, but I don't know if that was the case in the end, a person in the know tells us.

The Ministry of Development should present detailed information about the housing program at a press conference on Thursday.

Pre-election promises

Polish People's Party (PSL) He fought for the votes of voters, especially those who wanted to start a family, with the Własny corner program, under which he promised a low-interest housing loan (1.5%) with a guarantee of his own contribution of up to PLN 100,000. PLN by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK). The program covered both primary and secondary markets and will also help people from smaller urban centers: former provincial capitals, district towns and villages.

On the other hand Poland 2050 Szymon Holownia Among other things, he said in the campaign: to increase housing supply by freeing up urban land for development investments or speeding up the process of developing spatial development plans.

As we hear from government circles, the housing program was created … elections. Its implementation is impossible, so it should be adapted to the budgetary realities in such a way that the interests of the coalition partners are reconciled.. Going back on these promises is not an option.

The idea is on the table. The optimal scenario involves the creation of a compromise program consisting of the solutions proposed in the campaign by the political groups that currently make up the ruling camp. The whole thing is to clear the mines of the program quickly written for the elections, – says the interlocutor of Fuli.pl, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

400 million and 200 thousand loans

We asked the developers who will consult the Ministry of Development project about the new housing program. The program the government is currently working on will be limited to about 20,000, according to Konrad Plochocki, vice president of the Polish Association of Development Companies (PZFD). Loans and therefore can cost about 400 million PLN. This will be about a third of the amount that the state allocates to finance secured credit.

Out of 115,000, approximately 60-65,000 applications for safe credit will be considered positively. pieces (there is still no official data summarizing the entire past year). This means that subsidies for these loans from state money will be about PLN 1.1 billion, and this will be more than planned for 2023-24 – estimates Konrad Plochotski, vice-president of the Polish Association of Development Companies (PZFD).

Let us remind you that the government of the United Right, the author of the safe 2% loan, legally ensured the program in such a way that the subsidies on the loans issued on the basis of the applications submitted last year can be financed from the subsidy money. Until the planned installments this year. The act provides PLN 8 million for 2023 and PLN 941 million for 2024, giving a total of PLN 948 million.

The interest in the secured loan was so great that it exceeded the above estimates, although at first it seemed excessive. 2%. They estimated that support in 2023 and 2024 could cover around 50,000. loans, and by December 21, 2023, approximately 55.8 thousand credit agreements.

It will be more difficult to get a loan with a subsidy

According to our interlocutor, on October 15, the program developed by the coalition is expected to introduce stricter criteria for granting preferential loans, compared to the 2% safe credit. To buy the first apartment.

– First of all, I expect the introduction of income criteria or the return of proven mechanisms that were used in previous housing programs under the previous PO and PSL governments. I mean, for example, an apartment for young people, which has a space limit and a maximum price per square meter.

The deputy head of the PZFD also expects to extend the housing program under conditions that are a compromise on the election promises of the parties forming the governing coalition – as we have written from the beginning – as well as the promotion of large families. From the following principles: the larger the amount, the better the financing conditions.

If this happens, the current government will be more familial than PIS Plochotsky says.

He believes that politicians are hostages of the electorate, and the fulfillment of last year's promises will be a test of the credibility of future promises. Local self-government elections and the European Parliament.

We directly asked what the new housing program should be and how much money was provided for its implementation Minister of Finance and the Ministry of Development and Technology. We are waiting for a reply.

Karolina Wisota, journalist money.pl

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