Carol Gack: Don't you get the impression of going back in time? Telewizja Republika, next to TV Trwam, will continue to be the only television that is an antidote to the left-liberal worldview.

Tomas Sakievich: If we accept the rule that you can't step into the same river twice, then this time we entered the swamp bed. What is happening is taking us back not to 2015, but to 1989. Many actions remind me of the time when I published illegal newspapers underground. I feel like an outlaw again and constantly wonder where we can be hit without a care for the law. I get the impression that they entered a spiral of actions from which they could not escape. The number of violations and wrongdoings they have committed in recent weeks is too great for them to give up power, so it will only increase.

Let's go back for a moment to the United Right's two terms in office. Should have happened what is happening? Many commentators warned that PiS was making the mistake of relying solely on public media, instead of building a conservative media in parallel.

It is correct. What did it mean to focus on public media rather than private media? Gives us very strong competition. This was done deliberately, with the help of our journalists and ideas. In fact, there were some who moved to TVP with my approval because I thought they should be there. This is, for example, Michał Rachoń, whose potential was so great that it was necessary for him to reach the level of TVP coverage. However, it would have been different if it had been done in consultation and at the same time they tried to give us a chance in this market.

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