Trans-business is one of the most dynamically growing medical industries in the world today. For at least a few years now, it has been clear that the first wave of the Rainbow Revolution, or the promotion of “normal” homosexuality, is clearly giving way. to the aggressive push of transsexualism. This fact can be read as a normal manifestation of every revolution, which constantly seeks new and more radical forms of expression and terrorizes its opponents. However, it seems more reasonable to say that this change is largely due to the higher rate of return on investment for sponsors of the rainbow movement.

how is it going

Supporting the “homosexual” phase of the LGBT revolution was economically important to the corporate and business sector for at least a few reasons. First, the promotion of gays and lesbians in the workplace has made it possible to break down the wage hierarchy that has always been headed by heterosexual men, thereby reducing wage costs and increasing the population of corporate women who do not have traditional families. to devote completely to work. Around the world, the rainbow ideology is also invariably used to fight against forces that can resist the pressure of international capital based on traditional values.

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