Tuesday evening at the Presidential Palace in Warsaw The police arrested Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vesik. In December, the former heads of CBA were sentenced to two years in prison for the so-called Land scandal, despite the fact that in 2015 President Andrzej Duda used the amnesty law against them (after an indefinite sentence).

Earlier at 22:00 the President of Law and Justice, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, together with a group of PiS parliamentarians, arrived at the police headquarters on Grenadierov Street, where the arrested Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Vesik were first taken. Then the president of PiS arrived early Warsaw-Grokhov Detention Center, where Kaminski and Vesik were sent. – We come here with a sense of solidarity towards our colleagues. They didn't let us in there, probably they won't let us in here either, despite the fact that we are MPs and have the right to parliamentary control – he said.

– We have the first political prisoners since 1989. This is scandalous. They were convicted because they fought crime, including people who were high in the social hierarchy. In short, we are dealing with brutality that shows the essence of the present government, which itself has people in parliament who are hiding from immunity. There is no order in Poland, said Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

Chaos in Poland? Lisicki and Cezhrovsky comment

In the latest episode of “Anti-System”, Pawel Lisicki and Wojciech Czeirowski reviewed the latest events in Poland, including: the forced takeover of public media. – We have one big, gigantic queue, the result of which is that we don't know what to approach – is there a law or not; Is there a court of law? I feel like complete chaos. I wonder if you are watching this from your ranch, do you have any particular reflections and did you expect the PO rule to look like this to begin with? – asked the editor-in-chief of “Do Rzech”.

– Yes, I expected, because the devil rules chaos. He cannot create harmonious things because harmony comes from God and the devil destroys such things. If we want to seize power or the whole country, as for example Germany wants, it is good to introduce chaos, said Wojciech Czeirowski. – What causes chaos? The fact that people feed on emotions and at some point they get so tired that they are ready to accept a concept that they would not normally accept if there was order, as for example in Hungary. If our state is unstable, let's turn to Bismarck. Tusek follows orders to create chaos, he added.

– For me, Orbán is a politician who learned from the situation when the EU tried to take over small countries, he understood and was able to resist it. On the other hand, the misfortune of previous governments was that they tried to reach an agreement with the EU, knowing in advance that the EU did not want it. If PiS did what Tusk is doing, Ursula von der Leyen came here with a broom, Vera Zhurova blew herself up, and the European Parliament thundered and condemned. PiS did not understand this and with its confusion weakened them, paralyzed them, took away the will to fight from the people, and we have what we have, said Pavel Lisicki.

Episode 55 trailer program “Antisystem”. Everything is available to subscribers.

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