The Ministry of Justice announced the resignation of General Jacek Kitlinski on his official profile on the website of X.

The Ministry of Justice informs that by the decision of the Prime Minister Donald Tusk, on December 29, 2023, General Jacek Kytlinski was dismissed from the position of Director General of the Prison Service.

General Kitlinsky held the position of General Director of the Military Forces in 2015-2023. Before that, from 2013 to 2015, he was the Deputy General Director. At the moment, it is not known who will replace him as the head of the prison service.

Changes in the prison system

January 1, 2023 entered into force Provisions of the “Modern Prisons” program prepared under the leadership of the then Deputy Minister of Justice, Michal Voshi.

The new regulations of the Executive Criminal Code and the Law on Prison Service create the “Modern Prisons” program. This change, among other things, ends the privileges that prisoners have enjoyed in terms of accessing the health care system. The regulations also aim to increase the level of security in prisons and ensure better training of the prison service. The changes also concern the expansion of the inmate labor program that has been successfully implemented over the years and the development of electronic surveillance. The changes will also end the practice of convicts evading their sentences.

In 2016, the program “Work for prisoners” was launched. Now the program is expanding. As of December 1, 2022, data shows that more than 96 percent of able-bodied prisoners will be employed. Meanwhile, the percentage of prisoners working before 2016 was only 36%. Currently more than 40,000 people are working. prisoners. Prisoners are employed, among others, in the port of Gdańsk, unloading coal or mining. Convicts may also be involved in activities to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters, which will contribute to the activities of emergency services that provide assistance to people whose life or health is in danger or there is a risk of property loss.

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