German ARD is one of the largest public radio and television broadcasters. Dietert, formerly a correspondent in Warsaw and now in London, details why he has been paying close attention to developments in Polish politics lately.

“For my British fans who ask me why I started talking so much about Poland lately. There are three reasons,” the correspondent notes.

“Poland is the only country in Europe where mostly young voters managed to turn around the elections and oust an autocratic, corrupt and criminal government,” notes Annette Dieter. “If Tusk succeeds, it will be a model for other countries on how to rebuild a broken democracy. (And yes, partly for Britain too) – PiS is currently doing everything it can to undermine these efforts, and all this will be a difficult and tiring task. But it is really important,” the German journalist claims.

“I was a foreign correspondent in Warsaw, I fell in love with the country, and I still speak Polish. Well, in a sense;) Since there is very little accurate information in the UK about what's happening there, I thought it would be. It's worth talking about here,” concluded Dietert.

“I do not believe”. The lawyer appreciates the actions of Minister Bodnar

There are no actions taken by the Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, against the National Prosecutor Dariusz Barski. The attempt to remove Barski from his post was met with sharp criticism by President Andrzej Duda, his deputies at the Prosecutor General's Office, and prosecutors, judges and lawyers.

Lawyer Bartosz Lewandowski, Rector of Collegium Intermarium University, reminded on social media that Minister Adam Bodnar is a good legal theoretician. Therefore, he should have known the consequences of his actions.

“I don't believe he realizes that his legal argument is simply unfounded. I also don't know how he found this his sole statement that the provision of Section 47 of the Act on the introduction of the Act. The prosecution was not in force at the time of his return. Dariusz Barski after retirement (which is clearly not true!), causes any legal consequences. And backdated (sic!),” Lewandowski wrote on the X. website.

The lawyer reminded that neither the act of February 16, 2022 on the positive consideration of the application of Dariush Barski to return to work from retirement, nor the document of March 18, 2022 on the appointment of Barski to the position of national prosecutor by the Prime Minister. has been cancelled.

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