I think that Lech Valensa is so respected by the current coalition partners for no reason. After all, already in 1980, he said that Poland could become a second Japan. Donald Francis seems to be fascinated by Southeast Asia. However, as befits a true statesman, he shifted his gaze from Japan to the north.

PTherefore, Poland has a chance to become the second China. True, for decades after 1989, we used a similar model of economic development, ie. An openness to cheap labor and garbage from around the world, but it seems that after two terms of a united right-wing government, there is no going back to this model.

Moreover, China has also reached the next level of development.

However, the similarities between our countries were not limited to the similar use of human capital.

Thanks libertarian and democrat Coalition on December 13 We used models refined in the Soviet Union and perfected in China.

July 16, 2015 Dziennik Gazeta Prawna reports:

Chinese authorities intensify repression against human rights defenders. A few days ago, one of the detained lawyers and two employees of his law office made a public self-criticism on the air of the biggest state television.

The convicted three described how they organized anti-government protests, paid participants out of pocket, incited anti-Chinese sentiment and spread malicious rumors online to pressure the courts in ongoing trials in which they represented ordinary citizens. the government. Huang Liqun, a lawyer at Beijing-based law firm Fengrui, admitted that his company's director was a coward with far-reaching political goals and was the one who made decisions on handling “politically sensitive” cases.


Donald Francis hasn't gone that far yet. Maybe it's partly the fault of Poland's Criminal Procedure Code, which only allows for 48-hour detention? In China, you can be jailed for up to 40 days before someone is charged and arrested.

If such a law existed in our country…

That's why self-criticism, so common in the “Middle Kingdom”, N.P. Often with physical means of coercive persuasion, this is still an exception in Poland.

But it starts. True, more from the point of view of the media.

Here is a former journalist of TV Republic, and since 2016, someone of TVP INFO. Bartholomew Grachak He confessed his sins. Of course, in the best Chinese tradition, in public:

– I started working in January 2016 and I hoped that it would be possible to build a substantial, conservative counterbalance to the liberal narrative that dominates in Poland. Unfortunately, I quickly realized that it was not about values, but about political influence, party struggle for the rule of souls (…).

I didn't always work according to my conscience, but I knew that if I left, nothing would change. That's why I tried to pursue this, finally, my dream profession despite significant limitations


Here's a confession The media is a sinner

This is more or less the message presented by the “free media”. However, it turns out that we are dealing with PO-free media…

Grachak, yes, he wrote the above words on Facebook. But not only. Unfortunately. Instead of the credibility that will now finally be available in the “PiS censorship” free media, we are once again dealing with primitive manipulation, based on the specific implantation of well-known solutions from the “Cultural Revolution” since the time of Mao Zedong.

Meanwhile, Graczak's post isn't just self-criticism with a hint of submissiveness. Coalition on December 13.

A sad day is behind us. The new government used forceful, illegal solutions to control TVP. Unfortunately, the old government, by openly protecting television and other state media, de facto admitted that it exercised actual control over the public broadcaster.

Yesterday, however, the switch was flipped in a way Poland has not seen since 1989, and many Poles were reminded of the dark times of communism. All in the name of overthrowing (yes, overthrowing) the legal order.

Instead of News, Marek Czyż, a presenter who has repeatedly used his disdain for PiS voters, made a statement from the besieged fortress in Voronice. However, PO voters and politicians experience undisguised ecstasy. Yesterday's news announcement, or rather Czyż's statement, which appeared on the official PO account and was quickly deleted, was symbolic. Not a bad start on building an honest and depoliticized TVP.

Tusk broke all the existing rules.

and the following:

Because the law on the National Media Council was deemed unconstitutional by the new government, it had to be changed. How can we be sure the president will veto it? Moreover, even if he exercised his prerogatives, the constitution specifies how many votes are needed to override a veto. The new coalition does not have so many votes because… the sovereign decided so. In such a situation, it was necessary to create a wider coalition to override the veto or make changes in consultation with the head of state. Andrzej Duda has repeatedly stated that he is ready for cooperation.

However, this is what an honest politician would do, not driven by a desire for revenge. Donald Tusk is such a politician today.

Instead of self-criticism mixed with “PiS” TV insults, we hear Tusk obsessed with revenge.

It looks like this.

Tusk's program is not to build a new “common welfare zone” on the eastern outskirts of the EU.

The desire for revenge pushes him to destroy, first of all, the institutions that were created thanks to PiS.

He's just fighting Kaczynski this way.

He cannot get over the results of the 2005 presidential election, when he lost badly in the second round to Lech Kaczynski.

This is probably Rudi's largest complex. The group he hated gave Poland two presidents, one of whom is already in his second term.

Meanwhile, Rudy's party expelled only one person – Komorowski, who was jumping on chairs and constantly talking nonsense, which became an embarrassment for Poland after the first quarter of the term.

Now, under his nose, as if at his own request, there is another candidate for the highest office of the country, against whom he has no chance of winning.

Trzaskovsky remains in the shadows…

That's why Donald Francesek makes announcements for Helena Pazhiochova from the popular series – Everything Must crushing.

Because only in this way will he prove to himself that he still means something.

We remind you that Tusk turned 67 this year (April 22). If by some miracle he were to win the elections in 2025, he would retire at the age of 73.

Then he would have been only three years younger than Brezhnev at the time of his death… two years younger than Stalin. But he is two years older than North Korea's beloved leader, Kim Jong Il.

In our area, it is customary to talk about the peers of the hypothetical President Tusk as… gerontocracy.

Age isn't just a concern for candidates in the US and… China. 😉

But now we have China on the Vistula River. Implantation of a one-party system a la CCP*within which various cotters operate, as well as in Coalition on December 13. A propaganda monolith, periodically organizing hate sessions and showing the occasional converted sinner. Not necessarily honestly, not necessarily realistically.

Only one thing is important – media coverage.

Just as shown to the world in Piotr Shulkin's 1981 film (post-martial Poland premiere in 1983). War of the Worlds – The Next Century.

The Martians, like Wells, will land on Earth. But they don't capture him with three-legged machines and “death rays”.

The media just takes over. Hero, famous journalist Idem of iron (one of the last roles of Roman Wilhelm) actively participates in the action of the stupidity of humanity.

until he finally rebelled. He kills the first Martian in the men's room. Sam is surprised at how easy it is.

You just have to overcome your own fear.

We have the same task today. We must overcome our own fear before Tusk turns Poland into a little China.

Fortunately, we don't have to kill.



* Communist Party of China

Screen: still from the movie War of the Worlds – The Next Century (youtube)

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