On Saturday evening, Donald Tusk appeared at a rally organized on the fifth anniversary of Pavel Adamovich's death. Within the framework of the event, the Prime Minister remembered an old friend and his legacy.

Donald Tusk on the death of Pavel Adamovich

– Pawel Adamovich would like us all to smile in Poland – he began his speech Donald Tusk. – The reason for our meeting is a tragic death, a brutal attack. So why should we smile? Paul wanted it and we owe it to him to think and talk about the future, he said. As he himself admitted, “this tragic and senseless death acquired great significance.” Tusk noted that a few hours after Adamowicz's death, he met with residents of Gdańsk in Długi Targ. – Then I said that I will remember the words of his and my favorite song for the rest of my life, as well as the song “Solidarity”, in which we ask God to protect us from contempt and hatred. – he emphasized the Golden Gate on the square between Kataunia and Gdańsk.

– We will not rest until Poland and the Polish nation are freed from contempt and hatred. I promise you that, he said.

Today we face a big question: where will our nation go? Will we succumb to contempt, hatred and lies, will we overcome this dramatic moment in the history of our country, and will the legacy of Pavel Adamovich be stronger than the evil that has spread in our homeland in recent years?Donald TuskAt the rally “Light for Pavel Adamovits”.

5th anniversary of Pavel Adamovich's death

Sunday (January 14) will mark the 5th anniversary of his tragic death Pavel Adamovich. On January 13, 2019, Stefan Vilmont stormed the stage during the finale. The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charitywhich took place at the Gdańsk coal market and stabbed the then president of Gdańsk three times with a knife.

Then he took the microphone and shouted the following words to the crowd: “My name is Steven Wilmont (…), I was innocent in prison. The civil platform tortured me, that's why Adamovic died.” The killer considered the sentence of more than 5 years for a series of bank robberies as “torture”.

Adamovic was taken to the hospital in serious condition. He was operated on Sunday-Monday night. He lost a lot of blood. Unfortunately, the doctors could not save him.

As we wrote earlier, the indictment against Stefan Wilmont was presented to the Gdansk court in December 2021. The Gdańsk District Prosecutor's Office charged the man A charge of premeditated murder As a result of motivation that deserves special condemnation and forcing another person to behave in a certain way.

On March 16, 2023, the Gdansk District Court announced the verdict in the case of the murder of Pawel Adamowicz and agreed to the prosecutor's request. Stefan Vilmont was sentenced to life imprisonment. He also agreed to release the convict's data and image.

We remind you that Donald Tusk mentioned his deceased friend Pavel Adamovich in his presentation. – I want to remember all – without exception – victims of violence, contempt, hatred and conflict. So that October 15th will be the beginning of revival. We will also revive the spirit of authentic solidarity and respect for community rights, said the Prime Minister.

This year's commemoration of Adamović began on Friday and will end on Sunday. From Saturday afternoon, spectators could, among other things: take part in a carillon concert in the main town hall and meet the award winner. President Pavel Adamovich.

Also read: https://natemat.pl/475460,magdalena-adamowicz-o-wyroku-ws-zabojstwa-ppowedza-gdanska

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