– Jaroslaw Kaczynski says that it is necessary to punish the judges who dared to punish his colleagues who clearly abused their power. It is impossible to create a clearer definition of Jaroslaw Kaczynski's mind than he himself speaks about himself, Prime Minister Donald Tusk said at a press conference after the government meeting. noted the politician The case of Mariusz Kaminski and Macie Vesik.

In connection with the court's verdict, the former heads of the CEC appealed to the Supreme Court regarding the expiration of their mandates – I hope that the Supreme Court will issue a clear conclusion whether the mandates of Mr. Kaminski and Vesik have expired. Is it legally justified or not? This is an objectively difficult situation. The problem is that no matter what we touch, whether it is the public media, the National Council of the Judiciary, the Constitutional Tribunal or the pardon of Messrs. Vesik and Kaminski, we have everywhere a space of broken legal order, Tusk said. .

According to Donald Tusk, the PiS president wants to decide who to punish and pardon. – I have information for him: it is over, Yaroslav, and he will never come back. This is the model of Poland and Poland's management – said the Prime Minister.

“strange announcements”

Donald Tusk was also asked about PiS's request They expressed no confidence in Minister Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz. – Yaroslav Kaczynski “must do something”. Christmas on TVP Info, Now No Confidence, Millionaires March 11 January. He is lost. Of course, I am satisfied, because I lost a little, but it is an understandable situation. These ideas and initiatives, these strange statements at today's press conference show that Jaroslaw Kaczynski is not a prospect for the “Law and Justice” party to overcome the crisis. Everyone sees this more and more clearly every day, answered the head of the PO.

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Kaczynski's heated confrontation with journalists: I'm sorry
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Tusk announces serious personnel changes: what we expected

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