15/01/2024, 06:10

Michal Adamczyk finally decided to leave the TAI headquarters (screen: YouTube/Telewizja Republika)

– Everything indicates that Telewizja Polska is taking back the building on Powstańców Warszawy Square. And next week, the national court register will enter the liquidators appointed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, which will certainly end the spectacle of occupation and protest – says Marek Rutka, a member of the National Media Council. preservice”. – The state of public television will normalize. I am sure that the current events will become the basis for reforms – adds the editor-in-chief of “Rzeczpospolita” Boguslaw Hrabota.

The occupation of the TAI building was ended over the weekend by the PiS-recognized alternative president of the TVP, Michal Adamczyk. Marek Rutka emphasizes that the multi-day occupation of TAI's headquarters caused multimillion-dollar losses to Polish television. – News broadcasts had to be carried out in unsuitable studios, St. Woronicza, who are currently at the edge of technical capabilities – he says. – Those who occupy buildings should be aware that they may be held criminally liable and liable for compensation, – he adds.

TVP continues to field claims from Adamczyk

Liquidator of TVP Daniel Gorgosh also warned Michal Adamczyk about his legal responsibility. “Your illegal actions are causing multi-million losses to TVP,” he wrote. “Damage to TVP caused by the loss of advertising revenue alone due to the absence of the TVP info channel from you (and in cooperation with you) on December 20-19, 2023 amounts to one million zlotys.

TVP's liquidator has assured that TVP's losses are currently probable. “After completing the process of accurate calculation of the amount of loss, TVP will pursue the appropriate claims both from you and from those who cooperated with you and co-perpetrators of tortious actions under Article 441 of the Civil Code.” TVP was harmed,” he wrote.

Daniel Gorgos also points out that Michal Adamczyk's actions are in the interests of Republic of Television, a television station that competes with TVP. Therefore, TVP will also take legal action.

Adamchik: “Legal bodies of TVP were kicked out”

Michal Adamczyk finally decided to leave TAI headquarters. “For several days now, the deputies of the Republic of Poland, who made parliamentary interventions here, have not been allowed into the TAI building, nor have patrons or trustees been allowed into the building. Therefore, I want here, from this place. I will announce that I am leaving the TAI building today – after three weeks, but emphasizing that this fight continues and this fight will lead to victory,” Michal Adamczyk said at a press conference held in front of the TV News Agency building on Saturday. Powstańców Warsaw Square.

In his opinion, on December 20 of last year, this year, “the legal authorities of the TVP were expelled by force and violence, illegality and deceit”. “Many journalists, many employees and collaborators were kicked out. The legal signal of Telewizja Polska was turned off and the signal of usurpers was connected. These methods and actions are similar to those used in Belarus,” he claims.

But Samuel Pereira, head of TAI during the presidency of Mateusz Matišković, wanted to break into the TVP headquarters at ul. Voronitsa in Warsaw. He said he was going to a meeting of the TVP Supervisory Board (dismissed on the recommendation of Maciej Łopiński-led PiS). When one of the TV employees, with the help of the police, pushed him out of the door, a fight started.

The meeting of the supervisory board of TVP, not recognized by the government, was attended by members of the National Broadcasting Council: Maciej Swirski and Elzhbieta Glapiak. They were also not allowed.

Arsenal is exhausted

In response to this event, the spokesperson of the National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT), Tereza Brycczynska, in her official position, strongly condemned such behavior. “I would like to remind you that the National Broadcasting Council is a constitutional body. According to the first part of Article 213 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, it protects, among others, the public interests of radio and television broadcasting. unlawful restraint. The entry of the members of the National Broadcasting Council into the session is unacceptable and deprives the National Broadcasting Council of fulfilling its constitutional duty”, – we read in the statement of the National Broadcasting Council.

– I knew about this meeting of the Supervisory Board of the TV company, we received an invitation from the distribution list. “I didn't go because it was a self-appointed, virtual board that was created just to take over Telewizja Polska by the legal authorities,” says Marek Rutka.

In his opinion, the arsenal of opponents of changes in the public media is exhausted. – Although the National Court Registry refused to replace the TVP Supervisory Board by the head of the Ministry of Culture, Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, the Registry Court accepted and registered the liquidators of Radio Katowice, Radio Gdańsk and Radio dla Młodych. Therefore, I expect that in the coming days the court of registry will make a record regarding the liquidator of TVP, and there will be no more doubts as to who has the right to manage TVP – he adds.

– The state of public television will normalize. TVP has huge potential. I am confident that he will come out of the current crisis without much damage. And the current events will become the basis of reforms, which will modernize it and optimize costs – the editor-in-chief of “Rzeczpospolita” Boguslaw Krabota told “Preservice”.

(JF, 15/01/2024)

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